
shén mì ɡǎn
  • Mystery;mystique;sense of mystery
  1. 他的书打破了君主政体的神秘感。

    His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy .

  2. 让你尽享3D视频的神秘感与立体感。

    Make you enjoy the3D video 's mystique and stereo feeling .

  3. 他还在故事中添加了一丝神秘感。

    He also introduces a sense of mystery in the story .

  4. 爱伦的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。

    The style of vagary and ghastfulness and the sense of mystery are full of thestory of Allan .

  5. 由于现在INTERNET技术的普及,这种技术结合消除了传统机器人在普通大众前的神秘感,使机器人的应用层次达到了普通百姓的认识层次。

    By the widespread use of Internet technology , this combinative technology dispelled the mystery of tradition robot in people .

  6. 我们的室友和朋友们往往会问出这样窥探类的问题,炫耀自己的战利品的确很有意思(尤其是TA们的确很出色的话),但你最好还是保持点神秘感。

    We 've all heard these prying questions from roommates and friends and it 's fun boasting our conquests ( especially when they 're few and far between ) . But you 're better off remaining mysterious .

  7. 就像那个20岁上下的创业家在喝咖啡时提醒我的一样,类似OkCupid、甚至Facebook这样的服务让许多人最初几次约会的神秘感荡然无存。

    And as that twenty-something entrepreneur reminded me over coffee , services like OkCupid , and even Facebook , sap a lot of the mystique out of those first few dates .

  8. 这些“数字使者”赋予了印度企业某种“神秘感”,位于香港的亚洲公司治理学会(ACGA)的萨米拉·格宾纳斯说。

    These digital ambassadors have lent corporate India a certain " mystique ", says Sharmila Gopinath of the Asian Corporate Governance Association ( ACGA ), based in Hong Kong .

  9. 带一点神秘感有利于你的好名声。

    It enhances your reputation if you 're a little mysterious .

  10. 女人们都失去本能,没有一点神秘感或渴求了吗?

    Have women no instincts anymore , no mystery or mettle ?

  11. 你把神秘感带走了,同时希望也被带走了。

    You take away the mystery , you take away hope !

  12. 如果你希望让爱情常驻,最好保持点神秘感。

    If you would stay loved , stay unpredictable a little .

  13. 除这些之外还有演奏本身的神秘感。

    And on top of that came the mysteries of performance .

  14. 帷幕拉开了,神秘感正在消失。

    The curtain has parted , the mystery is being dispelled .

  15. 我只是想让我们的关系多一点神秘感

    I was just trying to put A little mystery in our relationship

  16. 你有一个空气中充满了神秘感和爱一个良好的秘密。

    You have an air of mystery and love a good secret .

  17. 正是它的神秘感让时间旅行愈发引人入胜。

    Time travel remains as compelling as it is unknowable .

  18. 这家药房给人一种神秘感。

    There is an air of mystery about the drugstore .

  19. 小小的神秘感也会带来更好的结果哦。

    Being a little mysterious will bring the best results .

  20. 白羊座:说的越少神秘感越强,感觉也越好。

    The less said and the more mysterious you are the better .

  21. 中世纪是一个非常特殊的时期,颇具神秘感。

    The middle ages is a very special period which seems secret .

  22. 没有了神秘感,也不浪漫。

    There 's no mystery , there 's no romance .

  23. 这就将训练第一阶段的神秘感拿走了。

    This took away the mystery from the first stage of training .

  24. 大海辽阔、深邃,给人们带来无限神秘感。

    The broad and profound sea has brought to people endless mystery .

  25. 你必须拥有神秘感和优雅感。

    You have to have mystery and you have to have grace .

  26. 这是一个简单的遭遇,充满神秘感。

    It was a brief encounter , filled with mystery .

  27. 神秘感力口深了,老兄。夏洛克·福尔摩斯说。

    " The mystery deepens , my friends ," said Sherlock Holmes .

  28. 不过随着面包圈受欢迎程度的增加,它的神秘感也随之递减。

    However , as the bagel 's popularity grew , the secret diminished .

  29. 少一些神秘感,多一些透明度;

    Less power of mystery , but more transparency ;

  30. 人们对吃牡蛎有某种神秘感。

    There is a certain mystique about eating oysters .