
  • 网络The Mysterious Stranger
  1. 他最后的一本书《神秘的陌生人》则是一部讽刺小说,表明生活实际上不过是一场梦。

    " The mysterious stranger ", his last book , is an allegory that suggests that life is in reality only a dream .

  2. 在那艘船的尾部,那位神秘的陌生人也正在拿着一个望远镜,向岸边望来。

    At the stern the mysterious stranger was standing up looking towards the shore , and holding a spy-glass in his hand .

  3. 他的眼睛环视了这个拥挤的房间,寻找那个神秘的陌生人。

    His eyes roved about the crowded room , looking for the mysterious stranger .

  4. 这个神秘的陌生人引起我的注意。

    I felt drawn to this mysterious stranger .

  5. 为了使麦琪看到了他,他冒险采取了不同寻常的办法。最终从一个看不到的神灵变成了一个神秘的陌生人。

    Finally , despite its risks , Seth takes the unusual step of becoming visible to Maggie , changing from an imperceptible spirit to a mysterious stranger .

  6. 一个年轻有为的男人,被一个熟人的死亡阴影所笼罩,并因此被一个神秘的陌生人引入一桩出卖自己灵魂的买卖。

    A successful young man , haunted by the death of someone close to him , is lured into a Faustian business arrangement with a mysterious stranger .