
shén jīnɡ hé
  • nucleus
  1. 在面神经核背内侧区(dMNF)细胞外记录呼吸神经元(RNs)放电,以记录膈神经放电作为呼吸的指标。

    Discharges of phrenic nerve were monitored . Discharge patterns of the respiratory neurons ( RNs ) in the dorsal medial area of nucleus facialis ( dMNF ) were recorded and analyzed .

  2. 鼓阶电刺激后蜗神经核的乙酰胆碱脂酶的研究

    Study of acetylcholinesterase of cochlear nucleus after electric stimulation in the scale media

  3. P物质免疫反应阳性神经元胞体和终末在猴、猫前庭神经核簇中的分布

    Distributions of SP-immunoreactive Neuronal Somata and Terminals in the Vestibular Nuclei of the Monkey and Cat

  4. 脑内某些神经核团的CT定位研究

    CT investigation on localization of some intracerebral nuclei

  5. 电针影响兔面神经核中脑源性神经营养因子mRNA的表达

    Effects of electro-acupuncture on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in rabbit facial nucleus

  6. 电刺激大鼠背侧海马对脑干部分神经核团生长抑素mRNA表达的影响

    Effect of electric stimulating dorsal hippocampus on expression of SOM mRNA in some brain stem nuclei in the rat

  7. 地塞米松对损伤面神经核中MHC抗原表达的影响

    Effects of dexamethasone on the expression of MHC antigens in damaged facial nucleus

  8. 目的研究鼓阶受到电刺激后蜗神经核乙酰胆碱脂酶(AchE)量。

    Objective To investigate the acetylcholinesterase ( AchE ) of cochlear nucleus after electric stimulation in scale media .

  9. 中间核(IM)是鸟类延髓中支配发声的重要运动神经核团。

    In the vocal control of birds , the most important motor nucleus of medulla is interme-dius nucleus ( IM ) .

  10. 结果:CO中毒迟发性脑病MRI表现可分为三型:①神经核团受累型;

    Results : On the bases of MRI findings , delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide poisoning were classified into three types : Type 1 : showing neural nuclei involvement ;

  11. 基底神经核区5HT含量与DA含量之间呈正相关。

    There was positive correlation between DA and 5 - HT in basal ganglia .

  12. 目的:观察正常成熟豚鼠面神经核团内神经生长因子(NGF)的分布及定位。

    Objective : Studying the distribution of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) in the facial nerve nucleus of normal guinea pigs .

  13. 电针足三里对应激性胃溃疡大鼠中枢神经核团内NOS的影响

    The Effect of Electro-acupuncture at Zusanli Point on Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Nucleis of Central Nervous System of Rats Model of Stress Ulcer

  14. 对侧滑车神经核和下丘中央核(ICC);

    In the following nuclei of the contralateral side : trochlear nucleus , central nucleus of the inferior colliculus ( ICC );

  15. 目的研究糖尿病大鼠脑干听觉诱发电位(brainstemauditoryevokedpotential,BAEP)和蜗神经核、上橄榄核形态学的变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) and the morphological changes of nuclei cochleares & nucleus olivaris rostralis in diabetic rats .

  16. 在延髓下橄榄核、孤束核、迷走神经副交感核和舌下神经核也有OB.RbmRNA标记神经元出现。

    In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .

  17. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪与免疫组织化学结合的方法研究大白鼠舌下神经核至舌肌的投射。

    The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry .

  18. HRP和GABA双标细胞.首次证实了舌下神经核中有GABA能神经元,并可投射至舌肌。

    It was demonstrated for the first time that there existed in the hypoglossal nuclei the GABA-ergic neurons which projected to the muscles of tongue .

  19. 在延髓,ER分布于舌下神经核、迷走神经背核、三叉神经脊束核、孤束核和网状结构;

    In the medulla oblongata , ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus , dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve , nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract , nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation ;

  20. 基于CVH的基底神经核区三维重建和虚拟现实研究

    Computerized three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization of the basal ganglia based on CVH

  21. 采用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)方法和电刺激技术对爬行类动物蛤蚧发声通路的神经核团进行了定位研究。

    In this study , HRP and electrical stimulation methods were used in localization of nuclei of vocal control pathway in a lizard ( Gekko gecko ) .

  22. 在SIDS组,桥脑滑车神经核、延髓迷走神经核和腹外侧网状结构GFAP阳性胶质细胞明显增加,与对照组比较差别显著;

    The numbers of GFAP positive glia were significantly increases in white matter of SIDS cases , compared with the controls .

  23. 目的和方法:应用HRP逆行标记法和图像分析法,对大鼠展神经核运动神经元和核间神经元的分布、数量及形态、大小进行了观察。

    Objective and Methods : The population and distribution pattern of abducens motoneurons and internuclear neurons in rats were examined with retrograde transport HRP methed and image quantitative analysis .

  24. 目的探讨急性低血压通过兴奋前庭神经核调节血压的中枢机制中,影响孤束核(NTS)功能活动的神经化学机制。

    Objective To illuminate the effect of NTS function neurochemistry mechanism in acute hypotension through exciting vestibular nucleus in the central regulation of cardiovascular .

  25. 以上结果表明针刺穴位或伤害性刺激或5-HT都可以激活延脑下部去甲肾上腺素能神经核团,促使其下行性地释放NA,这可能是针刺镇痛的重要机制之一。

    The result shows that needling of meridian point , noxious stimulation or 5-HT all activate units located in the A1 regions of the lower medulla , probably facilitating the descending release of NA in spinal cord .

  26. 术后4,8,24,48h摘取含面神经核的脑干检测,两组对照。

    At 4,8,24,48h , brain stems containing nucleus of facial nerve were taken and examined .

  27. 结论:TP治疗可增加伤后面神经核内NFP200的含量,因而有助于面神经损伤后的修复与再生。

    Conclusion : TP is helpful for repair and regeneration of the injured facial nerve for it can increase the content of NFP200 in facial nucleus after injury .

  28. 微电极记录技术的有效针道方法操作简单,易于临床上对神经核团定位,对Gpi靶点定位十分重要。

    Effective needle pathway in the microelectrode recording is of great importance for locating objective places of Gpi , because its operation is simple and easy for clinically locating the nerve nucleus masses .

  29. 目的:探讨面神经核背内侧区微量注射17-β雌二醇(17-βestroge,E2)对颏舌肌和膈肌功能的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effects of the microinjection of 17 β estrogen ( E2 ) into dorsal medial area of nucleus facialis ( dMNF ) on the myoelectric activities of genioglossal muscle ( GG ) and phrenic muscle ( Phr ) .

  30. 在针灸组中,颈神经节,脊髓前角和面神经核中的HRP阳性神经元的数密度分别为:(2.65±2.39),(2.06±1.30)和(2.43±0.09)×103/mm3。

    The numerical density of HRP-positive neurons in cervical ganglia , anterior horn of spinal cord and facial nucleus in acupuncture group were ( 2.65 ± 2.39 ),( 2.06 ± 1.30 ) and ( 2.43 ± 0.09 )× 103 / mm3 respectively .