
  • 网络Sphingomyelin;Sphingomyelin SM
  1. 本文用FT-Raman光谱研究了东莨菪碱和神经鞘磷脂的相互作用。

    The interaction of scopolamine with sphingomyelin was investigated by FT Raman spectroscopy .

  2. FT-Raman光谱研究东莨菪碱和神经鞘磷脂的作用

    FT Raman Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction of Scopolamine with Sphingomyelin

  3. 急性缺氧时,肺泡冲洗液中溶血卵磷脂、神经鞘磷脂、磷脂酰乙醇胺及磷脂酰甘油均下降(p0.05);间断适应性缺氧后,基本回复到缺氧前水平。

    On analysis of phospho-lipids in pulmonary surfactant of rabbits exposed to different hypoxic conditions ( simulated altitude 5 000m ), it was found that lysophosphatidylcholine , sphingomyelin , phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol were decreased ( p0.05 ) by acute hypoxia and raised by adaptive hypoxia in lung lavage .

  4. 神经鞘磷脂作为第二信使也参与此过程。

    SM may be a second messenger involved in this process .

  5. 例如神经鞘磷脂可被划分为磷脂,因为存在磷酸脂。

    For example , the sphingomyelins can be classed as phospholipids because of the presence of phosphate .

  6. 鞘脂储存类疾病,如泰萨二氏病、脑苷脂沉积病和神经鞘磷脂沉积病,都涉及到连接神经细胞的凸起的多余生长和分叉。

    The sphingolipid-storage diseases , Tay-Sachs , Gaucher 's and Niemann-Pick , all involve extra growth and branching of the protuberances that connect nerve cells together .

  7. 神经鞘磷脂合成酶基因沉默对细胞凋亡的影响一种白色油脂物质,形成一些神经纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

    Influence of Sphingomyelin Synthase Knockdown on Cell Apoptosis a white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .