
shén yùn
  • verve;romantic charm;romantic charm (in literature and art)
神韵 [shén yùn]
  • [romantic charm (in literature and art)]风度韵致,也指诗文书画的风格韵味

  • 敬弘神韵冲箭,识宇标峻。--《宗书.王敬弘传》

  • 那雪正下得紧。一个紧字,境界全出,鲁迅先生赞扬它富有神韵,当之无愧。--《简笔与繁笔》

神韵[shén yùn]
  1. 网络文学批评与中国古代神韵批评

    On network literary criticism and Chinese ancient romantic charm criticism

  2. 作品中神佛的笑容,那种笑看人世间的神韵与不屑的脱俗!

    Work is hit by magical Buddhist smiling expression , that laughs at the romantic charm looking at the land of the living and transcendence disdaining !

  3. 他想以不同的神韵在自己的绘画中作更多的尝试。

    He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings .

  4. 你无耻的样子很有我当年的神韵。

    Your impudent look reflects my verve when I was young .

  5. 神韵说的清远冲淡的美学要求

    The Aesthetic Demands for Elegance and Simplicity of Romantic Charm Theory

  6. 这些精美的漆器体现了楚文化的神韵。

    They reflect the charm of the culture of the Chu Kingdom .

  7. 人格是文学永远的神韵与不死的魂灵。

    The personality is the verve and soul of the literature forever .

  8. 承水墨之神韵创设计之新路&论线墨在招贴中的运用

    On the Application of Line and Ink in the Poster

  9. 神韵说体现了人的生命意识。

    The romantic theory represents the life consciousness of people .

  10. 形上之美:神韵的内在解读

    Metaphysical Beauty : The Interpretation of " Shen Yun "

  11. 究其本质却是其独特的文化意蕴和美学风情神韵所至。

    The essence of this is unique culture connotation and aesthetic verve .

  12. 苏州园林以其独具的神韵诗意、高逸的文化格调,而享誉海内外。

    Suzhou gardens are famous for their cultural style and verve poetry .

  13. 城市形象与神韵&有关城市文化的若干思考

    City Image and Charm & The Related Urbanization Constructs Certain Question Ponder

  14. 凯鲁亚克有时确能传达那种惠特曼式神韵。

    Kerouac does manage now and then to convey a Whitmanesque ecstasy .

  15. 东方神韵&青州龙兴寺出土佛教造像赏析

    Oriental Verve Anatomy of the Buddhist Statues Excavated at Longxing Temple of Qingzhou

  16. 花卉的美包括外在自然美和内在神韵美两方面。

    The beauty of flower includes nature and charm .

  17. 教学内容重知识,但不够丰满,缺乏神韵。

    Re-teaching content knowledge , but not full , the lack of charm .

  18. 侧重人物动态、神韵的刻画,力求意境新奇。

    Focus on the movement , nuances of characterization , to novel conception .

  19. 意象则是诗歌的基本组成成分和审美单位,是诗歌的灵魂和神韵所在。

    Image is the basic component and aesthetic unit of Chinese classical poetry .

  20. 谈神韵诗的空白

    A Talk on the Blankness of Romantic Poetry

  21. 论王士礻真的神韵山水诗

    Wang Shizhen 's Landscape Poetry with Romantic Charm

  22. 对建筑文化之灵气与神韵的透视

    The Aura of Romantic Charm of Architectural Culture

  23. 凯特弹起钢琴来真能传出曲子的神韵。

    When she 's playing the piano , Kate really belts the music out .

  24. 因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调来传达你的神韵和情感。

    There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions .

  25. 从中国诗传统中寻求中国建筑文化的神韵

    Searching for the Spirit of the Chinese Architectural Culture in the Chinese Poetic Tradition

  26. 他的画描绘出法国的神韵。

    His paintings capture the essence of france .

  27. 第三,由这种主观感悟所决定的诗意的语言成为了神韵批评的言说方式。

    The means of expression in the criticism is the language of poetic sentiment .

  28. 中国的画家早在多年前就已经墨笔轻挥、抓住了它们的神韵。

    Chinese painters captured them long ago in a few flicks of pen and brush .

  29. 王士禛的神韵说,是承上启下的诗学观。

    The " theory of verve " from Wang Shizhen is the transitional poem concept .

  30. 它具有一种难以形容的神韵。

    It has an indescribable romantic charm .