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cí miào
  • Ancestral temples;memorial temple
祠庙 [cí miào]
  • [ancestral hall] 祠堂

  1. 首先,一些佛、道教神明开始有自己独立的祠庙;

    Some Buddhist and Taoist deities began to get independent temples .

  2. 舟山寺观、祠庙的海洋文化内蕴

    The Inside Marine Cultural Information of Temples and Monasteries in Zhoushan

  3. 祠庙和戏楼想象你的古老和辉煌记洛阳周公庙和应天门遗址

    Shrine temples and the aters-just imagine your oldness and brilliance

  4. 在希腊各个城市,城墙早于祠庙。

    In the cities of the Greeks the wall preceded the temple .

  5. 清代四川城的形态与祠庙建筑空间格局

    City Form of Sichuan in Qing Dynasty and the Space Layout of Temple Building

  6. 山西祠庙建筑研究

    An Analysis on Shanxi Ancient Temple Architecture

  7. 张飞祠庙在历史时期得到了很大的发展,明清更是遍及全国各地。

    Zhang Fei ancestral temples have spread to all the country during Ming and Qing dynasties .

  8. 而且,它更是本港首间获政府授权举行道教仪式婚礼及签发结婚证书的道教祠庙。

    Moreover , it is the first Taoist temple in Hong Kong where the Government permits Taoist weddings and issues marriage certificates .

  9. 随着戏曲的发展而兴起的临川古戏台遍布城乡祠庙与街头广场,明中晚期兴起直至民国时期,兴建不断。

    The developing of opera push the developing of ancient stage forward , and from the middle Ming dynasty , the building of stage continues .

  10. 然后阐释了古代祭祀尧舜活动的分类和仪式,并简述历代对尧舜祠庙的修建、维护情况。

    Then the author explains the classification and the ceremony of sacrificial offering and also narrates the construction and maintenance of the Yao and Shun temples in all dynasties .

  11. 然而,对李靖神化具有主导因素的却是民间广修祠庙并不断附之以异说。

    The dominant element in the course of Li Jing 's apotheosis , however , were the extensive construction of his memorial temples and the spread of his legends .

  12. 遍布江南各处与灾害相关的祠庙、民间传说,在很大程度上反映了人们对神灵的依赖程度,从某种程度上甚至可以说这些神灵的存在成了人们生存的支柱。

    A great many temples and legends related to the disasters reflect that people depend on gods greatly . To some extent , people can survive mainly because of the existence of these spirits .

  13. 文章通过对书院学规和著名会讲的记述,以及对书院建筑、布局、祠庙乃至碑铭的描述,再现了宋代儒家书院的生活和学习情形。

    Life and education at the academies are portrayed not only through their study rules and famous lectures but also through descriptions of the architecture , layout , shrines , and inscriptions at the academies .

  14. 祠庙建筑是一种礼制建筑,深受儒家礼制思想的影响,然而自她形成之日起,就在沿江山地自然地理条件下,经历了社会文化发展的漫长历程。

    Though ancestral temple is a confucianists etiquette building and is influenced by the confucianists etiquette ideology , it have undergone a long process of social culture development under the condition of physical geography and become mature ultimately .

  15. 祠神信仰是民间信仰的核心内容,是一种以祠神为中心、有固定的场所(祠庙)和相对稳定的信众,仪式和活动与日常生活紧密联系的非制度化的全民信仰。

    Popular cults are the main content of popular believes . It is a kind of cults-centered belief that has fixed places ( shrine ) and relatively stable pilgrims , ceremony and activities . It is a non-institutionalized universal belief , which is very close to daily life .

  16. 其次,论文以店宅、坊宅、宅院、祠庙会馆四种场镇建筑类型为主,以相应的人的生活模式为线索,分析传统场镇的建筑平面布局特色;

    Secondly , the thesis is mainly about four types of architecture in the town : shop-dwellings , works-dwellings , courtyards , temples and provincials . And taking people 's corresponding living mode as the clue , it analyses the features of architecture plane layout in traditional town habitation .
