
  • 网络Fukuyama;francis fukuyama;F. Fukuyama
  1. 弗朗西斯福山(francisfukuyama)发现,这种宣言通常都是在剧变出现前夕作出的。

    Such declarations , as Francis Fukuyama discovered , tend to be made on the eve of wrenching change .

  2. 在我看来,最近这段时期更像是历史的开端,但弗朗西斯福山(FrancisFukuyama)的事业,却并未因预言不准而受损。

    To my mind , recent times have felt rather more like the beginning of history , but Francis Fukuyama 's career has not suffered for predicting otherwise .

  3. 北部湾盆地福山凹陷CO2气成因探讨

    Origin of co_2 gas in Fushan Depression in Beibu Gulf Basin

  4. 证明了AVO技术在福山凹陷应用的可行性。

    Therefore , we know that the application of AVO technology is feasible in Fushan sag .

  5. 对于很多人来说,这些动荡事件正如我的朋友弗兰克福山(FrankFukuyama)教授所言,令人感觉像是“历史的终结”。

    To many , these tumultuous events really did feel like the " End of History ," as my friend and your professor Frank Fukuyama famously put it .

  6. 正如弗朗西斯•福山(FrancisFukuyama)所证明的,本次全球金融危机之后在意识形态斗争中胜出的并非激进的左翼,而是奉行中央集权的右翼。

    As Francis Fukuyama has shown , it is the statist right , rather than the radical left , that has won the battle of ideas in the wake of the global financial crisis .

  7. 海南福山凹陷地层可钻性及钻头选型

    Formation Drillability Prediction and Bit Selection for Fushan Depression in Hainan

  8. 济南、福山太阳辐射的气候学特征分析

    Analysis of Climate Feature on Solar Radiation of Jinan and Fushan

  9. 晚上好,欢迎来到上海福山外语频道。

    Good evening , welcome to ICSF , this is Jane .

  10. 福山支持更传统的后一个学派。

    He is in the latter , more traditional school .

  11. 烟台市福山区夹河生态公园开发的必要性和规划原则

    The Necessity and Planning Principle of Jiahe Ecological Park in Fushan District

  12. 福山凹陷三个压力剖面的建立及应用

    Foundation and Applications of Three-Pressure Profile in Fushan Depression

  13. 福山现年58岁,我认识他有些年头了。

    I have known Fukuyama , who is 58 , for some time .

  14. 海南福山凹陷保护油气层钻井技术

    Reservoir protection technology in Fushan Sag of Hainan

  15. 福山凹陷下第三系碎屑岩储层定量评价解释标准及权系数

    The Quantitative Evaluation Standard and Weight Coefficient of Eogene Clastic Rock Reservoir in Fushan Depression

  16. 福山的经济伦理思想初探

    On Francis Fukuyama ′ s Economic Ethics

  17. 福山对新古典经济学的批判

    Fukuyama 's Animadversion on Neo-classical Economics

  18. 海南岛福山福一井晚始新世&早渐新世微植物群的初步研究

    A study on the late EOCENE-EARLY Oligocene microflora of fu-1 bore hole , fushan , hainan Island

  19. 日裔美国学者福山重新提出历史终结论并引起广泛的争议。

    Japanese American scholar Fukuyama proposed the theory of the end of history which aroused widespread dispute .

  20. 烟台市福山地区透辉石矿成矿地质条件与开发应用研究

    Study on the geologic conditions of the diopside deposit in Fushan Area Yantai city and Its Applied Technology

  21. 福山仍然相信,聪明的领导者能找到一条出路。

    Fukuyama retains faith in the capacity of smart leaders to find a path out of the cave .

  22. 10分钟后,我开始紧张起来。也许福山以为我们要在办公室见面?

    After 10 minutes I become anxious . Maybe Professor Fukuyama expected to meet me at the office .

  23. 福山用三个特征来定义现代国家:正式的官僚制度、法治和问责制。

    Fukuyama defines such states by three characteristics : formal bureaucratic institutions ; the rule of law ; and accountability .

  24. 菜上得很快,我埋头大吃我点的美味羔羊肉,而福山吃得很慢,边吃边思考怎么回答问题。

    The food arrives quickly and I tuck into my excellent lamb while Fukuyama eats slowly as he thinks about his answers .

  25. 福山植物园堪称是动物的天堂,在这里,人和动物没有距离。

    The Fushan botanical garden is a haven for animals – here , there is no distinct line between man and animals .

  26. 然而中国正朝着现代经济体的方向快速前进,我问福山,经济繁荣会如何影响其政治秩序。

    China , however , is moving rapidly towards a modern economy and I ask Fukuyama how prosperity will affect its political order .

  27. 在福山试验林之天然阔叶林内对其主要树种进行长期物候调查。

    A long-term phenological study on primary tree species of a natural broadleaf forest was conducted in the Fushan experimental forest of northeastern Taiwan .

  28. 上汽集团(北京)有限公司将在烟台福山投资12亿元建设一家汽车工业园。

    Shanghai Automotive Group ( Beijing ) Co. , Ltd. will invest 1.2 billion yuan to build one auto industrial park in Yantai Fushan .

  29. 运用地质、测井、地震及岩芯等综合方法,对福山凹陷下第三系流沙港组的沉积体系进行了研究。

    Through composite method of geological , log , seismic and core analyses , depositional system of Eogene Liushagang Fm in Fushan sag has been studied .

  30. 东京电力公司处于福山核事故的核心,它的批评者称,其实际发电能力高于所透露的水平。

    Critics of TEPCO , the company at the heart of the Fukushima nuclear accident , say its actual capacity is higher than it lets on .