
  • 网络Centrifuge;centrifugal machine
  1. 地球的摆动就象一个离心分离机,使水域以不均匀的方式分布在全球。

    Earth 's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much like a centrifuge .

  2. 对振动台模型试验和动力离心分离机等模型试验及其试验数据和结果进行综述、分析和总结。

    For shaking table tests , dynamic centrifuge tests , other model tests and test data and results were reviewed , analyzed and summarized .

  3. 介绍了LW450型螺旋式钻井液离心分离机的结构及工作原理。

    The structure and working principle of Model LW450 spiral drilling fluid centrifuge are introduced .

  4. 基于微细颗粒固物浆料脱水离心分离机特性的分析研究

    Analysis on Centrifuges ' Speciality Based on Dewatering of Fine-particle Slurries

  5. 机盖锁定系统防止离心分离机工作时有意外操作。

    Lid lock system prevents accidental opening while centrifuge is operating .

  6. 介绍了离心分离机的无菌设计及其在系统中的应用。

    The aseptic design of centrifugal separator and its application are introduced .

  7. 由于采用卧式卸料离心分离机,解决了过滤困难的问题。

    The problem of filtration difficulty was solved by using horizontal centrifugal separator .

  8. 离心分离机开孔转鼓的设计计算

    Design on the Opening Drum of Centrifugal Machine

  9. 离心分离机的无菌设计与操作

    Aseptic design and operation of centrifugal separators

  10. 大多数美国专家认为他们是在浓缩铀的离心分离机上作为转子所用。

    Experts think they are intended to serve as rotors in centrifuges used to enrich uranium .

  11. 这与海湾战争前伊拉克气体离心分离机计划所用的磁体重量相当。

    That 's the same weight as the magnets used in Iraq 's gas centrifuge program before the Gulf War .

  12. 这些铝管正好被核供应组织控制,因为他们能被用于离心分离机进行铀的浓缩。

    These tubes are controlled by the Nuclear Suppliers Group precisely because they can be used as centrifuges for enriching uranium .

  13. 向心泵技术在离心分离机中的应用用数控机床加工流体机械(向心泵、离心机、分离机等)的机体,必须依据流道曲线编程。

    Application of Technology of Centripetal Discharge Pumps to Centrifuges & Separators Passage curve is indispensable for programming in N / C machining of fluid machinery .

  14. 科学家证明了一种打蛋器如何能够变成一种手持式的离心分离机从而在缺乏资源的环境下把血浆从全血中分离出来用于测试。

    Scientists have shown how an egg beater can be made into a hand-held centrifuge to separate plasma from whole blood for testing in resource-poor settings .

  15. 冷却后,乳状液流入离心分离机。所有的血液都流入肝静脉参与体循环。

    After cooling , the emulsion flows into a centrifuge . All of the blood drains into a hepatic vein which then circulates throughout the body .

  16. 伊朗表示已研制出一种新型的离心分离机,对铀进行浓缩的效率比现在使用的设备高六倍。

    Iran says it 's developed a new type of centrifuge which it says will be six times more efficient at enriching uranium than those currently in use .

  17. 采购产品阀门,热交换器,泵和抽泵设备,离心分离机,泵,阀门,制造,工程学,热交换器,火炉。

    Valves , Heat Exchangers , Pumps and Pumping Equipment , Centrifuges , Pumps , Valves , Fabrication , Engineering , Heat Exchanger , Burners , Actuated Valves .

  18. 丰富也能生产对于一个核子反应炉加燃料或对于一个弹头是物质的生产-但是在大的刻度上也做需要数万离心分离机。

    Enrichment can produce either fuel for a nuclear reactor or material for a warhead & but tens of thousands of centrifuges are needed to do either on a large scale .

  19. 该研究组在手动打蛋器上安装了塑料管,当它旋转的时候可以把血浆从血细胞中分离出来,它起到了替代昂贵的电动离心分离机的作用。

    The team attached plastic tubing to the manual egg beater , which when rotated separates the plasma from the blood cells , acting as an alternative to expensive electrically-powered centrifuges .

  20. 该临时协议要求伊朗在现有水平停止浓缩铀,暂停后续的离心分离机工作,停止制造钚的阿拉克反应堆的主要工作。

    The interim agreement requires Iran to stop enriching uranium at current levels , freeze further work on centrifuges , and halt major activities at the Arak reactor , designed to produce plutonium .

  21. 同时其潜在的应用范围极为广泛,目前已知的应用报道,不仅有压缩机、汽轮机、离心分离机等大型机械设备,而且还有类似于硬盘磁头等高精密旋转机构。

    Moreover , its potential application area is extremely broad . According to the reports so far , the applications cover not only large mechanical equipment , like compressors , turbines and centrifuges , but also highly precision rotary mechanism such as the hard disk drive heads .

  22. 介绍了卧式离心沉降分离机在炼油厂三泥脱水和PTA装置污泥脱水中的应用。

    The application of domestic horizontal centrifuge in " oily sludge , floating sludge and activated sludge " dewatering in refinery and sludge dewatering of PTA ( polyterephthalic acid ) unit was introduced .

  23. 本文报导了基于作者最近提出的自抽连续离心原理设计的液/液离心分离机的设计原理、结构和应用例。

    The design principle , structures , and some applications of a self pumping continuous flow liquid / liquid centrifugal separator are reported here , based on the principle of self pumping continuous flow centrifugation introduced by the authors of this paper .

  24. 本文报导了根据作者最近提出的自抽连续离心原理而研制的自抽连续液/固离心分离机的结构和工作原理。

    The structure and operating principles of a self pumping continuous flow liquid / solid centrifugal separator based on the principle of self pumping continuous flow centrifugation intro-duced by this auther are reported here .