
kē xué lùn duàn
  • scientific thesis;scientific conclusion
  1. 试论三个代表科学论断的哲学基础

    On the Philosophic Foundation of the Scientific Thesis & Three Representatives

  2. 这一新的科学论断,是深化对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值理论研究的结果。

    That new scientific thesis is the result of deepening the research to the socialist labor and labor axiology .

  3. 党的阶级基础和群众基础的新概括&学习十六大关于党的性质的科学论断

    The New Generalization Of The Party 's Class And Mass Foundation

  4. 这个科学论断的提出具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    The presentation is of great significance to theory and reality .

  5. 这一科学论断全面而深刻地揭示了建立社会主义市场经济体制的伟大意义。

    The scientific judgment overall and deeper reveals grandness meaning of the foundation of social market economy system .

  6. 这一科学论断为摆脱哲学教育的困境具有不可忽视的理论指导意义。

    This scientific discussion has a un-negligible theory guide meaning for getting rid of the dilemma of philosophy education .

  7. 例如,许多当代哲学家在科学论断和伦理论断的差异上大做文章。

    Many contemporary philosophers , for example , have made much of the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning .

  8. 这一决策,是正确估量国际国内形势所作出的科学论断,是一个立意深远的战略性决策。

    This decision is a scientific judgment and profoundly significant strategic decision based on correct appraisement of domestic and international situation .

  9. 这一科学论断,深刻揭示了民族精神对中华民族进步发展、对实现中华民族伟大复兴的巨大作用和伟大意义。

    His speech revealed the tremendous effects and great significance of national spirit to the advance , development and prosperity of China .

  10. 这一科学论断既是对马克思主义科学性的新概括,更是对其理论创新的实质要求。

    This scientific conclusion is the new summary of Marxism 's science as well as the basic demand of Marxism 's theoretical innovation .

  11. 对党必须在宪法和法律的范围内活动科学论断的萌生、孕育、形成过程予以简要阐述。

    It is a brief expatiation about Chinese Communist Party must active in the range of the constitution and the law Which science thesis 's binging and gestations and processes .

  12. 这一科学论断不仅克服了人的本性说与人的本质论之间的二律背反,还有力地批判了人性自私论。

    This scientific thesis not only overcome between the " human nature " and the " Human Nature " on the antinomy , but also criticized forcefully the " selfishness of human nature " theory .

  13. 他从科学论断与伦理论断的差别中得到启发,建议将诸如“堕胎是错误的”这样的伦理陈述视为情绪的表达,而不是把它看作关于客观世界的论断。

    Struck by the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning , he proposed that ethical statements , such as " abortion is wrong ", be considered as expressions of emotion , rather than assertions about the world .

  14. 这一科学论断,对于我们在新的历史条件下按照三个代表重要思想要求加强党的建设,巩固党的执政地位,完成党的历史使命具有十分重要的指导意义。

    Under the new situations , this scientific conclusion will be of momentous guiding significance in how to strengthen Party building , to consolidate the Party 's position of governance , to accomplish the Party 's historical mission .

  15. 其中,马克思主义的实践性特征、开放性原则、指导性功能等,作为对马克思主义基本理论的一种诠释,可视为与时俱进这一科学论断的哲学底蕴。

    The practicality the openness and the guiding functions of Marxism , as an interpretation of the basic Marxist theories , can be regarded as the philosophical bases of the scientific statement of " proceeding with the times " .

  16. 然而,从1957年,党对国情的认识越来越偏离实际,进而否定了八大关于主要矛盾的科学论断,并制定了一系列脱离国情、脱离实际的方针政策,给党和国家造成重大损失。

    At last , we denied the scientific thesis of the principal contradiction in the Eighth National Congress Meeting and formulated a series of policies which divorced from the reality . It caused the great losses for the party and the country .

  17. 1956年到1957年上半年,党做出了知识分子是工人阶级的一部分的科学论断,并在此基础上实行了百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针。

    From 1956 to the first half of 1957 , the Party made a scientific thesis that intellectuals are a part of the working class . On basis of this , the Party had the " Hundred Flowers " policy for implementation .

  18. 一国两制这一科学论断,不仅为和平统一祖国的伟大实践奠定了政策基础,提供了最佳模式,而且在多个方面创造性地丰富和发展了马克思主义理论,具有显著的理论意义。

    The scientific judgment of the Theory of One State with Two Different Systems not only founded the political basis on the great practice for peacefully uniting China and made a best model , but also enriched and developed Marx - ism on varieties were significances on the theory .

  19. 他指出:社会主义的本质,是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。这一科学论断,是一个层次结构系统,包含着十分丰富的内容。

    He says : " the essence of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces , productive forces , the elimination of exploitation , eliminates polarization , finally achieve common prosperity . " The scientific theory , including the very rich content , is a hierarchical structure system .

  20. 只有比较全面、准确地考释词语的历史性,才能较为客观、科学的论断。

    Only the comprehensive and accurate historical , can best . I words more objective and scientific judgment .

  21. 波拉尼对科学知识的论断富于洞察力,但在广泛的经验研究上,成果不甚显著,也未能指明更清晰的研究方向。

    Polanyi presents some insightful assertions on scientific knowledge , but his program is less fruitful in extensive empirical research and cannot indicate research directions more clearly .

  22. 党的十七届四中全会第一次明确提出了“提高党的建设科学化水平”的科学论断和重大命题。

    The Party 's Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central first clearly proposes the scientific thesis and important issue on'the promotion of scientific construction of the Party ' .

  23. 科学发展观是马克思哲学中国化的集大成者,也是马克思哲学中国化的科学论断。

    Scientific development concept is the master of the Marxist philosophy in China and a scientific thesis by the Chinese Marxism .

  24. 王季同本着对科学的局限性的深刻认识及弘扬佛法的目的,把科学与佛学进行比较,提出佛学是不折不扣的科学的论断。

    Based on the deep understanding of the limitations of science and the purpose of promoting Buddhism , Wang compared with them each other , and considered Buddhism as pure science .