
  • 网络Science fiction anime and manga
  1. 因此,1996年乔老板在他的银幕首秀——科幻动画电影《空中大灌篮》中本色出演。

    It makes sense then that his film debut came playing himself in the intergalactic animated comedy Space Jam ( 1996 ) .

  2. 今年,看过了太多好莱坞科幻大片和动画电影,香港导演陈可辛指导的电影《亲爱的》才正是我想看的:温暖、感人,没有丝毫矫揉造作。

    After watching too many Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters and animated films this year , Dearest , by Hong Kong director Peter Chan , is just what I needed : a warm , touching movie that 's free of any fuss .