
  • 网络Tech Blog;TechCrunch;AllThingsD;The Verge
  1. 不过,这次大会根本没有像美国得克萨斯州举行的西南偏南大型音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)那么轰动爆棚,甚至也赶不上像知名科技博客网站TechCrunch举办的Disrupt这种更正统的会议。

    Or even a more modest confab like a techcrunch disrupt .

  2. 科技博客TechCrunch的专栏作家MG•西格勒最近写道,KindleFire的成功再次说明了消费者不再那么苛求技术规格,而是越来越关注用户体验。

    As techcrunch columnist mg Siegler wrote recently , the kindle fire is just the latest example of people focusing less on technical specifications and more on the user experience .

  3. 美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。

    Danny Sullivan at search engine land counts the ways .

  4. 随后,科技博客TheNextWeb的一位读者又发现了“超卖”和“亚马逊”的神秘联系。

    A reader atthe next webreader noticed the " over sold & Amazon " connection .

  5. 据科技博客AllThingsD报道,谷歌将为此每年向摩斯拉支付3亿美元。

    According to all things D , Google will pay Mozilla nearly $ 300 million a year .

  6. 消息很快就泄漏给了科技博客AllThingsD,并在博客圈和推特上引发热议。

    It was promptly leaked to All Things D , a technology-industry blog , and unleashed a fevered debate in the blogosphere and on Twitter .

  7. 这款车加装了智能辅助系统用于收集路况数据,然后进行局部自动操控,余凯对科技博客TheNextWeb表示。

    This is an intelligent assistant collecting data from road situations and then operating locally , Mr Yu told The Next web , a technology blog .

  8. 美国科技博客“商业内幕人士”(BusinessInsider)猜测,作为回报,Zynga因此将可在Facebook上获得免费的广告位。

    The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .

  9. (科技博客TechCrunch和科技资讯网站AllThingsD)

    ( techcrunch and all things d )

  10. (科技博客TechCrunch前任专栏作家MG•西格勒最近很好地指出了这个问题。)

    ( ex-techcrunch columnist mg Siegler recently pointed this out nicely . )

  11. 科技博客AllThingsD还报道称,据消息人士透露,他们签有一份婚前协议,两人分居甚或是今后可能的离婚都不会给谷歌带来任何影响。

    All Things D also reported that , according to sources , they have a prenuptial agreement and that their split and potential divorce would have no impact on Google .

  12. 据科技博客BoyGeniusReport的一篇报道称,布拉德利认真考虑离职事宜已有数月之久。

    According to a report from tech blog Boy Genius Report , Bradley has been mulling over his departure from the company for months .

  13. 【科技博客ArsTechnica、谷歌官方博客(GoogleBlog)】

    ( ARS technica and the official Google Blog )

  14. 上周,在科技博客AllThingsD召开的会议上,阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)CEO马云称对雅虎非常感兴趣。

    At a conference hosted by all things d last week , Alibaba CEO Jack Ma said that he was interested in Yahoo .

  15. 另外两家科技博客GigaOm和BusinessInsider也有自己的调研服务,而且面向更广泛的科技界受众。

    And gigaom and business insider have their own research services for a broader tech audience .

  16. 最新消息:据科技博客TheGuardian的消息,苹果已在周一下午修正了地图错误。

    Update : by Monday afternoon , the error had been corrected , according tothe guardian .

  17. 据科技博客TechCrunch报道,雅虎(Yahoo)公司正在悄悄地物色首席执行官的继任者。

    Techcrunch reports that Yahoo is quietly looking for CEO replacements .

  18. 科技博客网站InsideFacebook对Facebook作为商业平台的使用情况进行了研究,并按每月230美元至300美元的价格出售研究结果。

    Inside Facebook sells its research into how Facebook is being used as a business platform for $ 230 - $ 300 a month .

  19. 各方创始人私下表示,在ProductHunt上发布消息已经取代科技博客TechCrunch,成为了他们更为青睐的公布产品上线的方式。

    Founders are whispering that placement on Product Hunt has replaced TechCrunch as their preferred method of announcing their launch .

  20. 据美国科技博客Quartz上周报道,在周三开幕的达沃斯全球经济论坛(TheWorldEconomicForum)年会上,约80%的与会者都是首次参加。

    Last week , quartz reported that nearly 80 % of the people who attend the world economic forum annual meeting in Davos , which starts on Wednesday , are first-timers .

  21. (来源:联邦贸易委员会、Facebook、科技博客TechCrunch)

    ( FTC , Facebook , and techcrunch )

  22. 在演示活动(DemoDay)、科技博客和AngelList盛行的当下,交易信息也不再那么专有,变得更加公开。

    Deal flow is far less proprietary in an age of demo days , tech blogs , and angellist .

  23. 开设有科技博客的深圳软件工程师龙威廉(WilliamLong)表示,这种形势正在吓跑谷歌的用户,很多人已经改用(其竞争对手)百度。

    William Long , a software engineer and technology blogger in Shenzhen , says the situation is scaring Google users away , and many are switching to [ rival ] Baidu already .

  24. 科技博客作者约翰·格鲁伯评论称:“我认为苹果一味地在MacPro的阵线上无所作为,这是岌岌可危的。”

    I think it was simply untenable for Apple to continue to remain silent on the Mac Pro front , commented the tech blogger John Gruber .

  25. 【科技博客(TechCrunch)、IT资讯网站ZDNet、苹果公司(Apple)】

    ( techcrunch , ZDNet , and apple )

  26. 据挪威这家科技博客网站VidxHD泄露的图片和视频显示,新款iPhone将有2种大小。

    Based on leaked images and videos , like this one from Norwegian tech blogging site VidxHD , the new iPhone will come in two sizes .

  27. 科技博客BusinessInsider称已看到了最罕见的设备:欲与苹果公司(Apple)和谷歌公司(Google)一决雌雄的、全新设计的黑莓手机。

    Businessinsider is claiming to have seen the rarest of devices : new blackberries intended to take on apple and Google head-to-head .

  28. 好吧,至少对于这位万分诚实而且滑稽的自我贬低的年轻学生来说是管用的。他的求职信被发布在美国科技博客BusinessInsider上,而且引发了无数投行老板的赞扬。

    Well , at least for the brutally honest and hilariously self-deprecating young student , whose cover letter publicized on Business Insider , has generated a ton of positive interest amongst investment banking bosses .

  29. 美国科技博客FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒早已预见到了和解的结果,他说(和解)使两家公司的资源都摆脱了禁锢。

    According to FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller , who had predicted this outcome , it frees up resources for both companies .

  30. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,美国著名科技博客TechCrunch创始人兼联合主编迈克尔•阿灵顿正在募集一只风险投资基金,主要投资于初创科技公司。

    Michael Arrington , founder and co-editor of techcrunch , is raising a venture capital fund to invest in early-stage technology companies , fortune has learned .