
  • 网络tech war
  1. 参与讨论的各位专家都表示,近几年,科技人才争夺战中的经济因素令人瞠目结舌。

    The economics of this proposition have become eye-popping in recent years , according to the panelists .

  2. 3.帮助展开科技人才争夺战:对于初创企业,特别是那些位于硅谷和波士顿的初创企业,科技人才争夺战是一大挑战。

    Helping with the tech talent war : one of the key challenges for startups , particularly those in the Silicon Valley and Boston , is the tech talent war .

  3. 美国展开未来航空科技领先地位保卫战

    USA Fights for Its Leading Position in Future Aviation Science and Technology