
  1. 基于DEA的高等教育科技资源配置效率评价分析&以黑龙江省为例

    Analysis on Science Technology Resource Allocation Evaluation Efficiency of High Education Based on DEA

  2. 运用DEA方法评价地区科技资源配置的相对有效性

    Using DEA method to evaluate relative validity of region 's S & T resource allocation

  3. 基于DEA方法的河北省科技资源配置有效性评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation for the Allocation of Science and Technology Resources in Hebei Province Based on DEA

  4. 基于DEA的科研机构科技资源配置效率评价

    Evaluation on the Efficiency of Science & Technology Resource Allocation of Scientific Research Organization Based on DEA

  5. 基于R&D存量的高技术产业科技资源配置效率DEA度量模型

    DEA Model for Measuring the Efficiency of S T Resource Allocation of High-tech Industry Based on R D Knowledge Stock

  6. 基于ISO9000标准的高校优化科技资源配置的若干问题探讨

    Research on Optimizing the Distribution of the Science & Technology Resources in Universities Based on the Criteria of ISO9000

  7. RD项目中止决策是RD管理过程中一项非常重要的工作,有效、及时的中止决策对于优化科技资源配置、提高创新效率有着非常重要的意义。

    As R D project termination decision is an important work of R D project management , effective and timely termination decision has great significance for optimizing science and technology resource and improving innovation efficiency .

  8. 基于DEA(数据包络分析)方法,对河北省科技资源配置进行了横向和纵向对比评价,并指出了河北省科技资源配置优化的方向与重点。

    Based on DEA ( Data Envelope Analysis ), the evaluations was compared in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction for the allocation of science and technology resources in Hebei Province , and the direction and focus of optimal distribution of resources was proposed .

  9. 我国医药制造业科技资源配置研究

    Research on Sci-tech Resources Allocation of Pharmaceutical Manufactures Industry in China

  10. 区域科技资源配置的新制度经济学分析

    New Institutional Economics Analysis of Regional Science and Technology Resource Allocation

  11. 吉林省科技资源配置现状浅析与对策建议

    Analysis and Propose of Science and Technology Resource in Jilin Province

  12. 科技资源配置的新问题和对策分析

    The new challenges on S & T resource allocation and strategies analysis

  13. 区域科技资源配置与使用的研究

    Research on Regional Science & Technical Resource Allocation and Utility

  14. 科技资源配置的区域差异

    Regional Differentiation of Science & Technology Resource Allocation in China

  15. 资本在西部地区科技资源配置中作用初探

    Role of capitals in the allocation of scientific resources in West China

  16. 科技资源配置的战略地位

    The strategic status of science & technology resource allocation

  17. 科技资源配置主体分为执行主体和调控管理主体。

    The actors of it include executive actor and regulation and management actor .

  18. 河北省科技资源配置与发展研究

    Research on the Development and Disposition of Scientific and Technological Resources in Hebei Province

  19. 科技资源配置能力分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation on the Allocation Capability of Science and Technology Resource about Ningbo

  20. 对我国科技资源配置效率评价方法的述评

    Review on the evaluating methods of allocation efficiency of science & technology resources in China

  21. 安徽省与长三角科技资源配置情况的比较

    The Comparing of Science and Technology Resource Allocation between Anhui Province and Yangtze River Delta

  22. 中国地区科技资源配置效率的动态演变分析应用科技,提高效率;

    Analysis of the Evolution of Regional Science and Technology Resource Allocation Efficiency in China ;

  23. 科技资源配置效率对科技的产业化具有直接的相关性。

    The efficiency of S T resource allocation has direct correlation with the industrialization of S T.

  24. 信息化进程中科技资源配置效率区域综合评价研究

    Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation on Regional ST Resource Allocation Efficiency in the Process of Informationization

  25. 区域科技资源配置效率研究

    Research on the efficiency of regional science and technology ( S & T ) resource allocation

  26. 除嘉兴市科技资源配置存在比较严重的冗余外,浙江省农业科研机构科技资源配置效率整体较高。

    The science and technology resources allocation efficiency of Zhejiang Province agricultural research institutions is overall higher .

  27. 云南支柱产业科技资源配置中的制度瓶颈

    On the System-related Obstacles in the Allocation of Scientific and Technological Resources of Yunnan 's Pillar Industries

  28. 河北省高等学校科技资源配置与博弈分析

    Analysis on Distribution of S & T Resource of Hebei 's Higher Education Institutions Based on Game Theory

  29. 科技资源配置能力反映了一个地区科技资源运用情况。

    The analysis and evaluation on the allocation capability of science and technology resources based on fuzzy evaluation ;

  30. 基于组合评价的我国区域科技资源配置效率研究

    Research on the Efficiency of Regional Science and Technology ( S & T ) Resource Allocation Based on Combination Evaluation