
  • 网络kohut;Andrew Kohut;Heinz Kohut
  1. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)负责人科胡特(AndrewKohut)说,对奥巴马来说,最大的问题在于他是否能战胜人们对他处理经济的方式的失望情绪。

    ' The greatest question for Mr. Obama is whether he can overcome disappointment with the way he handled the economy , ' said Andrew Kohut , president of the Pew Research Center .

  2. 科胡特承认,一些其他的民调显示竞争更加激烈了。

    Kohut acknowledges that some other polls show the race to be tighter , however .

  3. 科胡特说,罗姆尼先生没有在工作和赤字问题上予以充分的重视。

    Kohut says Mr. Romney has a small statistically insignificant lead on dealing with the issues of jobs and the deficit .

  4. 安德鲁.科胡特是皮尤研究中心的总裁。科胡特说,许多美国选民直到两党开全国代表大会的时候才开始关注总统竞选的选战。

    President of the Pew Research Center Andrew Kohut says many voters do not pay much attention to the presidential race until the party conventions .

  5. 笔者从阿德勒、荣格、科胡特、弗洛伊德等心理学家的观点出发,找寻自拍图像主体背后人性心理的关键。

    I proceed from the view of Adler , Jung , Kohut , Freud and other psychologists to find the key to human psychology behind the self-image .