
  • 网络Secret police;Gestapo;Stasi;Security Police;KGB
  1. 他被秘密警察盯梢了一个星期。

    He was shadowed for a week by the secret police .

  2. 许多人向秘密警察告发自己的邻居。

    Many people denounced their neighbours to the secret police .

  3. 反叛者中许多人被捕并遭受到秘密警察的酷刑。

    Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police .

  4. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。

    One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police .

  5. 他被控与秘密警察勾结。

    He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police .

  6. 虽然旧时的秘密警察业已废除,但宪兵队依然存在。

    Although the old secret police have been abolished , the military police still exist

  7. 军队是不鼓励秘密警察渗入的少数机构之一。

    The army was one of the few institutions the secret police were not encouraged to penetrate .

  8. 法国内政部长对一起涉及秘密警察部队所扮演角色的丑闻进行了干预。

    The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force .

  9. 不鼓励秘密警察打入军队内部。

    The secret police were not encouraged to penetrate the army .

  10. 那些人害怕在外国秘密警察控制下生活。

    Those people feared to live in the clutches of foreign secret police .

  11. 有一个美国人去俄国考查访问,他看到很多秘密警察,人民都很害怕,面无笑容。

    One American came to Russia to have a look and visit . And there he saw all the secret police , and the people were scared and didn 't smile .

  12. 在阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)反政府暴动期间,当抗议者猛攻安全部门总部时,他们经常发现,那些秘密警察购买了欧洲的监控技术来监视抗议者。

    When protesters stormed security service headquarters during the Arab Spring uprisings , they often found secret police had purchased European surveillance technology to monitor protesters .

  13. Koum是在一个有秘密警察的共产主义国家长大的,隐私对他来说尤为重要。

    Privacy was particularly important to Mr. Koum , who grew up in a communist country with a secret police .

  14. 德国电信一名董事表示:我们想回到希特勒统治下的盖世太保岁月,或前东德的史塔西(Stasi,即秘密警察译者注)时代吗?

    A Deutsche Telekom director says : Do we want to go back to the days of the Gestapo under Hitler or the Stasi in the DDR ?

  15. 那些不喜欢亚马逊的人知道这一点也许会觉得好笑:如果历史不发生转折,赫布里希如今很可能正在为史塔西(Stasi,前东德情报和秘密警察机构——译者注)工作。

    Those who disapprove of Amazon may be amused to know that , but for a twist of history , Mr Herbrich would likely now be working for the Stasi .

  16. Pa与津巴布韦臭名昭著的秘密警察局&中央智库组织负责人HappytonBonyongwe会面。正是秘密警察局等一些部门在维持着穆加贝的政权。

    Mr Pa met Happyton Bonyongwe , the head of the Central Intelligence Organisation ( CIO ), the country 's notorious secret police , which helps to keep Robert Mugabe in power .

  17. 他说,如果不是自己的学徒期开始六周后柏林墙就被推到了的话,他可能最终无法顶住要求他为秘密警察卖力的压力——利用从西德亲戚给的一台破辛克莱(Sinclair)ZX81型电脑上学到的技能。

    He says the pressure to help out the secret police with the skills he learnt on a broken Sinclair ZX81 sent by a relative in the west may ultimately have been irresistible - had the wall not come down six weeks into his apprenticeship .

  18. 魏斯勒:你知道秘密警察是什么吗?

    Wiesler : Do you even know what the Stasi is ?

  19. 在秘密警察总部,一切都按照我的计划顺利进行。

    Everything at Gestapo headquarters worked out as I had planned .

  20. 她被指控与秘密警察有联系。

    She was alleged to have connections with the secret police .

  21. 涉及到只想低调行事的秘密警察。

    Involving undercover police who like to keep a low profile .

  22. 第一个人说:“是秘密警察政治保安处的”。

    The first man said : 'security police-special branch ' .

  23. 你曾被英国秘密警察雇佣是么?

    You were formerly employed by the British secret service , no ?

  24. 秘密警察拷问他以获取情报。

    Eg. the secret police tortured him to obtain information .

  25. 秘密警察逼问了那可疑的间谍好几个钟头。

    The secret police sweated the suspected spy for hours .

  26. 他被秘密警察关押了6个月

    He is Imprison by the secret police for six month

  27. 中国的秘密警察简直是横行霸道,无法无天。

    The Chinese bully secret police are above the law .

  28. 过去秘密警察几乎监视每个人。

    The secret police used to spy on practically everyone .

  29. 他尽可发表高见而不为秘密警察所干扰。

    He was able to make his point without secret police hqrassment .

  30. 那群人声称他专事向秘密警察告密。

    The group claimed that he was an informer to the secret police .