
zū lìn jīnɡ yínɡ
  • business operations under lease;management of leased-oui shops or other small businesses
  1. 租赁经营;

    Business operations under lease .

  2. 企业租赁经营合同的法律特征及其实践中存在的问题

    Legal Characteristics and Practical Problems of Lease-Managing Contract of an Enterprise

  3. 浅析建筑企业的设备租赁经营

    Briefly talking of rent of equipment in building construction enterprises

  4. 企业的租赁经营机制及其适用范围

    Lease Management , Its Mechanism and Range of Applicability

  5. 房地产融资租赁经营的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Financing Lease of Real Estate Business

  6. 电网项目融资租赁经营期风险管理研究

    Research on the Risk Management of Grid Project Financial Leasing in Operation Period

  7. 租赁经营闲置设备充分发挥资产效益

    Running of Idle Engineering Machine Renting and Bringing Property Benefit into Full Play

  8. 施工企业固定资产的租赁经营与管理

    Leasing and management of fixed assets in construction enterprises

  9. 公路施工设备租赁经营的探讨

    On Lease Management of Highway Construction Equipment

  10. (一)出租人不具有从事融资租赁经营范围的;

    The leasor has no right to do business within the scope of financial leasing ;

  11. 由于历史原因,企业出现了租赁经营、承包经营、挂靠经营等多种经营方式。

    Due to the history , lease pressure , contracted and the affiliated business appeared .

  12. 在新西兰租赁经营场所是很常见的。

    It is common in New Zealand for the premises used for the business to be leased .

  13. 西安市公共体育场馆的经营方式主要包括自主经营、承包经营和租赁经营。

    Xi ' an mode of operation of public sports facilities including self-management , contract management and leasing business .

  14. 那些亏损或微利的中小企业,尤其是小企业,最适合租赁经营。

    He notes that it is best suitable for enterprises running on deficits or at low profitability , especially the small ones .

  15. 对指定范围内要删除的记录取消标记(一)出租人不具有从事融资租赁经营范围的;

    Unmarks a specified range of records for deletion ( 1 ) The leasor has no right to do business within the scope of financial leasing ;

  16. 但该模式应与联营、租赁经营、个人分层承包经营等方式有机结合使用,以取得较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    It is also believed that the collective contract mode , integrated with partnership , leasing and subcontracting , can produce optimum social and economic benefits .

  17. 租赁经营中,出租者是否对交通事故承担连带赔偿责任,以出租人对机动车驾驶员驾驶资格是否知情为前提。

    In renting operation , whether the renter should take related compensation duty or not depends on the fact that whether the renter is aware of the driving qualification of the vehicle driver .

  18. 对房地产融资租赁经营的特性、资金筹措的方式及如何规避房地产融资租赁的风险进行了分析。

    The author analyses the features of the financing lease of real estate business , the financing ways , and how to avoid the existing risks within the financing lease of real estate business .

  19. 在戏班与剧场各自内部体系中,戏班内部通常按照角色等级进行戏码的安排和收入的分配,剧场则将一些副业以承包的方式进行租赁经营。

    In the inner system , the troupe arranged the plays and distributed the revenues in accordance with the internal level of role , the theater usually leased out some sideline businesses to other operators .

  20. 强化集体林地资源的市场化配置可以从四个方面入手,一是以集体林地租赁经营逐步取代无偿承包制;

    Strengthening the marketization of the collective resources of forest land can proceed with four respects to dispose , first , replace the free contract system progressively by the collective leasing management of forest land ;

  21. 其中,融资租赁经营机构是否只能是金融机构的争论以及因此带来的进入门槛、监管宽严问题对融资租赁的发展尤其关键。

    The controversy whether lease business is only the financial institutions or not and the problems of the barrier to entry and strict or loose regulatory caused by the controversy , is critical for the development of finance lease .

  22. 汽车租赁跨国经营的现状及对策

    Status Quo of Transnational Car Leasing and Approaches to Its Improvement

  23. 论高校体育资产有条件的租赁性经营活动

    A Discussion About the Conditional Commercial Rent for the Sports Assets of Colleges and Universities

  24. 目前航空公司引进飞机的方式主要有:贷款购买、融资租赁和经营租赁。

    There are three mode of aircraft acquisition , which is purchase , financial lease and operating lease .

  25. 税务局:在计算应税收入时要区分融资租赁和经营租赁。

    Tax official : when calculating the taxable income , we should distinguish the financial leasing from the operational leasing .

  26. 农业规模经营的基本模式有租赁制经营、股份制经营、合作制经营、倒包制经营、集体经营、产业化经营等。

    The basic mode of agricultural management of scale is rental management , shareholding management , cooperation management and industrialization management , etc.

  27. 令人担忧的是虽然家居卖场规模及数量不断扩张,但其经营模式并没有明显改变,仍然以招商租赁式经营模式为主。

    The worry is that although scale and quantity of home furnishings stores is expanding , but their business model not changing significantly , it is still given priority to leasing type .

  28. 运用关系链理论及物权理论,对农村水利管理改革的现状进行调查分析,总结出“公益型承包,准公益型租赁,经营型拍卖”的东台模式;

    By application of the relation-chain theory and ownership theory , an investigation of the current situation of rural water conservancy management and reform is made , and a Dongtai mode for public contract , quasi-public lease , and manageability auction is deduced .

  29. 在充分认识到资产使用权积极意义的前提下,企业的整个经营过程都可以使用租赁开展经营创新,包括投资阶段的租购决策、生产阶段的回租和销售阶段的租赁促销。

    On the premise of fully realizing the affirmative meanings of right of assets , the whole management process could use lease to develop management creation , including leasing and purchasing policies in the investment stage , the leaseback of the production period and leasing promotion in the marketing phase .

  30. 租赁,承包经营和出售

    " partnership , leasing , contract operation and sell-off "