
  1. 小秦岭金矿田北矿带F5断裂控矿作用

    The effect of fracture ore-controlling of the north mineralized belt F_5 in Minor Qinling Mountain gold field

  2. 因此应用GIS技术对小秦岭金矿的各个矿区数据资料信息化、图形图像数字化、数据输出定量化的科学管理更显得十分必要。

    Therefore it seems necessary to apply techniques of GIS to every mine in Xiao Qinling by integrating information , sketching diagrams to resemble the arithmetic figure and fixing qualify to output data , The dissertation analysis the customer demand in the first place .

  3. 西秦岭金矿床与顺层构造

    Gold ore deposits and bedding structure in western Qinling Gold Mine

  4. 构造叠加晕在河南秦岭金矿区的找矿效果

    Prognostic effect of structural superimposed halos in HENAN-QINLING gold mine

  5. 西秦岭金矿类型及成矿区带划分

    Gold deposit types and metallogenic belts of West Qinling area

  6. 小秦岭金矿地球化学特征及矿床成因探讨

    Geological-Geochemical Features and Genesis of Xiao Qinling Gold Deposit

  7. 甘肃西秦岭金矿资源潜力分析和远景评价

    Potential analysis and prospective value for gold resources of western Qinling in Gansu Province

  8. 南秦岭金矿成矿的几点认识

    Advances in Gold Metallogenesis in South Qinling

  9. 小秦岭金矿是我国品位较富、具有代表性的含金石英脉矿床。

    Xiaoqinling gold ore deposit is a representative gold-bearing quartz vein deposit with high gold grade .

  10. 西秦岭金矿床分为卡林型和造山型两类。

    Gold deposits of the western Qinling belt comprising Carlin type and orogenic type gold deposits .

  11. 河南小秦岭金矿田黄铁矿热电性特征及其在找矿勘探中的应用

    Pyroelectric features of pyrite in Xiao Qinling gold deposits , Henan and its application in prospecting

  12. 地质环境评价方法应用比较研究&以小秦岭金矿区为例

    Comparative Study on Assessment Methods of Geological Environment & As An example of Xiao Qinling Goldmine Area

  13. 小秦岭金矿田的成矿地质条件是矿源(矿源层)、热源、搬运介质和构造条件构成的统一整体,缺一不可。

    Source bed , transporting medium and structural status make up the whole ore-forming geological conditions on Xiaoqinling gold ore field .

  14. 西秦岭金矿化带中土壤与岩石实验室光谱相关性研究河北省早熟夏玉米性状相关及通径分析

    A Study on the Relationship of Original Soil and Mother_rock 's Laboratory Spectrum of Gold Metallographic Province in Western Qinling Mountains , China

  15. 秦岭金矿60号脉西段1号矿体探采品位变化的初步分析与探讨

    Preliminary analysis and discussion on ore grade change in prospecting and mining of No.1 orebody in the west section of No.60 vein in Qinling gold mine

  16. 对小秦岭金矿田的成矿时代、成矿深度、矿床成因等地质问题,给出了构造地质学方面的判据。

    Aiming at the metallogenic epoch , metallogenic depth and the genesis of the deposit in Xiaoqinling gold field , the evidence of tectonic geology is given out .

  17. 熊耳山地区是华北地块南缘继小秦岭金矿田之后发现的又一金银铅钼矿集中区。

    The Xiong'ershan district , situated in the southern margin of the North China Craton , is a another large gold-polymetallic ore field after the Xiaoqinling gold ore field in Henan Province .

  18. X射线荧光技术用于西秦岭地区金矿勘查

    X-ray fluorescent technique used for gold prospecting in western Qinling area

  19. DPIS(矿床定位预测系统)在西秦岭地区金矿综合评价应用效果

    The integrated application effect of DPIs in West Qinling area

  20. 秦岭古金矿遗址调查

    The investigation of the ancient gold mines ruins in Qinling

  21. 非线性成矿学与秦岭地区金矿床

    Nonlinear metallogeny and gold deposits in Qinling District

  22. 秦岭地区金矿成矿研讨

    Discussion on gold metallogeny in Qinling area

  23. 秦岭板块金矿床类型与金成色

    Fineness of native gold and ore deposit type of gold deposits in Qinling tectonic plate

  24. 西秦岭阳山金矿是我国已探明资源/储量最大的独立金矿床。

    The Yangshan gold belt is the largest independent gold deposit with huge proved gold resources / reserves .

  25. 最后应用伽马算子,综合控矿因子,得到最终的秦岭松潘金矿潜力图。

    The ( final ) potential map of gold deposit is generated by combining ore controlling factors using gamma operator .

  26. 本文将北秦岭西段金矿床(点)划分为断裂蚀变岩型和石英脉型。

    The gold deposits in western section of the north Qinling have been divided into fault-dteredrock type and quartz vein type ;

  27. 微细粒浸染型金矿的构造动力成矿作用研究&以西秦岭巴西金矿为例

    Study on tectonic dynamic ore mineralization of fine disseminated type of gold deposit & example as Baxi gold deposit in West Qinling

  28. 秦岭造山带金矿床类型与构造背景

    Type and structural setting of gold deposit in Qinling , orogenic belt

  29. 秦岭造山带金矿成矿预测

    Metallogenic prognosis of gold deposit in Qinling orogenic belt

  30. 秦岭造山带金矿控矿条件及资源前景

    Ore-controlling condition and mineral resouces prospect of gold deposits in the Qinling orogen