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  1. 年中置闰:先秦历法史上的重要改革

    Mid-year Intercalation : the Importance of the Pre-Qin Calendar History Reform

  2. 而先秦礼法之争内容之广泛,理论之深刻,影响之深远,在中国古代思想史上无与伦比。

    The wide contents , deep theory and profound effect of the argument between them in ideology in ancient China are incomparable .

  3. 本文主要从政治文化角度,以先秦儒法两家思想体系的若干重要范畴的产生、发展为线索来研究儒法源流,最后归结到秦汉政治文化整合。

    This dissertation intends to study the source and course of Confucianism and Legalism by researching the birth and development of some important categories in these two schools of thought .

  4. 这就是先秦礼、法之争的根本原因。

    This is root causes of the dispute of the courtesy-and-law .

  5. 通过秦与汉初刑事责任能力的对比,指出汉初刑法总体上是承袭秦法的,也有局部的改造和发展。

    The author points out that the criminal law in early Han Dynasty mainly inherits the codes of Qin Dynasty , but there are still some developments and changes .