
yāng miáo
  • rice seedling;rice shoot;vine;bedder
秧苗 [yāng miáo]
  • (1) [rice seedling]∶水稻的幼苗

  • (2) [vine]∶农作物的幼苗

秧苗[yāng miáo]
  1. 水稻床土调酸对秧苗素质的影响

    The New Bed Influence of Acid Soil on Rice Seedling Quality

  2. 5%DMSO对秧苗素质及生理效应的形响效果最佳。

    5 % DMSO was best for rice seedling quality and physiological effect .

  3. 把秧苗间成相隔10厘米。

    Thin out the seedlings to about 10cm apart .

  4. 秧苗发芽后,就把盘子上的盖子拿掉。

    When the seedlings sprout , uncover the tray .

  5. 农民将能够直接播种,而不用移种秧苗。

    Farmers will be able to seed it directly , rather than having to transplant seedlings .

  6. 秧苗长得很快。

    The young seedlings grow very fast .

  7. 秧苗上面覆盖着塑料薄膜。

    The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting .

  8. 秧苗给大水冲跑了。

    The seedlings were washed away by the flood .

  9. 当心不要让田里积水太多,不然的话,秧苗要烂坏的。

    You must see to it that there isn 't too much water in the fields , otherwise the seedlings might damp off .

  10. 否则,树也不可能从一株秧苗成长起来。

    Otherwise , it would be unable to grow from a seedling .

  11. C4转基因水稻秧苗叶片气孔与叶鞘维管束结构特征

    Structure Characteristics of Stomata in Leaves and Vascular Bundles in Culms of Transgenic Rice Expressing C4 Photosynthesis Enzymes

  12. 用BP神经网络进行秧苗图像分割

    Segmentation of the Seedling Image by BP Neural Network

  13. SOD模拟酶调控水稻秧苗中活性氧水平的变化研究

    The Study of Regulation of ROS Levels in Rice Seedling by SOD Model Compounds

  14. 新型植物生长调节剂PT对水稻秧苗生理特性的影响

    Effects of A New Plant Regulator PT on Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings

  15. 有效微生物群(EM)对水稻秧苗素质的影响

    Effect of Effective Microorganisms on the Seedling Quality in Rice

  16. 不同包衣模式尿素N在基质中释放规律及对黄瓜秧苗生长的影响

    Study on the Release Disciplinarian of Different Mode of Polythene-Coated Ureas in Substrate and Their Effect on The growth of Cucumber Seedling

  17. 多效唑(PP(333))对早稻抗低温能力与秧苗素质的影响

    Effects of paclobutrazol ( pp_ ( 333 )) on early-rice seedling cold resistance and its quality

  18. 采用BP神经网络模型,研究了真彩色秧苗图像分割的神经网络方法。

    The neural network method for segmenting the true color of seedling image was studied . The adapted network is BP model .

  19. F1杂交种子发芽率正常,秧苗生长旺盛;

    Germination percentage of hybrid seed F 1 is normal and its seedlings grow promisingly .

  20. 经离子束处理的秧苗存活率为72.2~82.5%。M1出现早熟、大果变异株。

    Survival rate of seedlings treated by ion beam was 72.2 ─ 82.5 % .

  21. 以玉米秧苗图像为实例进行训练和图像分割,实验结果表明,BP网络能够获得较好的分割效果。

    The effective parameter was achieved after a lot of training . The experimental results show that the segmentation of BP network method can gain better effect .

  22. 旱秧苗ATPase活性比水秧苗高4.61%~94.34%;

    The activity of ATPase in DNS was 4 . 61 % ~ 94.34 % higher than that in MNS .

  23. 在衡量茄果类蔬菜秧苗质量时,可用LnG做壮苗指标。

    In measure of the qualities of aubergine and fruit vegetable seedling , LnG stands for the index of fine seedling .

  24. 杂交油菜在秧苗三叶期及移栽前根据植株形态特征进行苗期纯度测定,并将实测得F1代秧苗与异型株秧苗分类设区栽入大田。

    Hybrid rape is done seedling purity determination according to its morphological character at triphyllous stage and before transplanting .

  25. 本研究运用同位素~(15)N示踪技术,着重研究了水稻秧苗移栽前施肥,秧苗对N素的吸收动态、运转与分配规律以及对N素的利用;

    Dynamic of N uptake as well as N translocation , distribution and recovery rate in rice seedlings before transplanting , were studied by means of ~ ( 15 ) N tracer technique .

  26. 该处理的秧苗的生理学性状:叶绿素、丙二醛、脯氨酸的指标都优于CK,尽管秧苗的根系活力与净光合速率不及CK但差异未达到显著水平。

    Although the root system vigor and net photosynthesis rate were not reached to CK , the difference between them was not significant .

  27. 其中处理M2和处理M3的黄瓜幼苗生长势、矿质元素吸收以及秧苗质量等均明显优于其它处理。

    The seedlings raised in M 2 and M 3 were the best in growth potential , mineral absorption and seedling quality .

  28. 研究黄腐酸(FA)对番茄秧苗在模拟运贮期间的部分信号物质的变化。

    Under simulated shipping and storage condition , the changes of the level of endogenous hormone and some signal substance were studied after treatment with FA .

  29. NEL生物活性肥对水稻种子发芽及秧苗素质的影响

    Effects of the Active Bio-fertilizer NEL on Seed Germination and Seedling Quality in Rice

  30. 在中度干旱胁迫条件下,有机基质所育秧苗水稻叶片的脯氨酸含量和SOD活性增加的幅度大于营养土所育秧苗。

    The increment of praline content and SOD activity in the seedlings raised in organic soil base was more than that in the seedlings raised in nutritional soil base under moderate drought stress .