
shú jiē
  • kaoliang stalk;sorghum stalk
秫秸 [shú jiē]
  • [sorghum stalk] 摘了穗的高粱杆

秫秸[shú jiē]
  1. 相反,只要它们继续冲突,它们就等于互相支撑,就像三捆堆在一起的秫秸一样。

    On the contrary , so long as they remain in conflict they prop one another up , like three sheaves of corn .

  2. 我还想起家来,老惦着那十月间的枫叶似火,那一垛垛玉米秫秸,南瓜成堆,黑胡桃林子,还有隆起的山丘。

    I was homesick , too , for the flaming of maples in October , and for corn shocks and pumpkins and black-walnut trees and the lift of hills .

  3. 他的头发呈玉米秫秸的颜色,两眼里一片率真,像是山雨欲来的天空——灰暗中透出那奇异的天蓝。

    His hair was the color of the corn shocks , and his eyes , very direct , were like the mountain sky when rain is pending-gray , with a shadowing of that miraculous blue .

  4. 他的头发呈玉米秫秸的颜色,两眼里一片率真,像是山雨欲来的天空&灰暗中透出那奇异的天蓝。

    His hair was the color of the corn shocks , and his eyes , very direct , were like the mountain sky when rain is pending - gray , with a shadowing of that miraculous blue .
