
wěn dìnɡ wù jià
  • stabilize prices;stabilize commodity prices;stabilize the price of commodities
  1. 稳定物价非常重要。

    Stability of price is very important .

  2. 甚至有少数官员建议Fed在年内加息以稳定物价,同时也抑制民众对通胀的预期。

    A few have even suggested the central bank may need to raise rates by the end of the year to maintain price stability and keep public expectations about inflation in check .

  3. 条约上把财政赤字的上限设为GDP的百分之三,把公共债务总额的上限设为GDP的百分之六十。而一些经济学家认为,这只能限制经济发展而不能起到稳定物价的作用。

    Some economists believe capping budget deficits at3 percent of GDP and total public debt at60 percent of GDP acts more as a straitjacket for the economy rather than as an anchor for price stability .

  4. 应该采取有效措施稳定物价。

    Effective measures should be taken to firm up the prices .

  5. 我国正处在经济建设的攻坚阶段,寻求稳定物价水平下的经济持续增长,是我国宏观经济调控的重要目标。

    Our country is in the crucial stage of economic construction .

  6. 稳定物价几乎是重振家庭支出的前提条件。

    Stabilising prices is almost a precondition to reviving household spending .

  7. 稳定物价是一个国家宏观调控及货币政策的主要目标之一。

    Price stability and control inflation is a national macrocontrol objectives .

  8. 稳定物价对稳定社会起积极作用。

    StaBilizing the commodity prices plays an active role in staBilizing society .

  9. 六是增加税收与稳定物价的关系。

    And ( 6 ) the relationship between increasing taxation and steadying prices .

  10. 促进稳定物价和缓解价格矛盾。

    We promoted price stability and alleviated price irrationality .

  11. 中美洲和巴拿马贸易和稳定物价协调委员会;

    Central American and Panamanian Coordinating Commission for trade and stabilization of prices ;

  12. 美联储还很有可能无法实现另一项使命:稳定物价。

    It is in severe danger of failing the other : keeping prices stable .

  13. 政府采取措施稳定物价。

    The government took measures to stabilize prices .

  14. 稳定物价一直是各国政府追求的宏观经济政策目标之一。

    Price stability has been the one of the pursuit objectives of national macroeconomic policy .

  15. 我们要力求做到既繁荣市场,又稳定物价。

    We will do our Best to make Both the market Brisk and prices staBle .

  16. 金融上,稳定物价,维护边币相对币值;

    On finance , control prices , maintain a relative value of Border Region Currency ;

  17. 我们要稳定物价。

    We must steady the price .

  18. 韩国政府认为,稳定物价是保持经济稳定增长的关键。

    The Korean government held that stabilizing prices was crucial to sustain the steady economic growth .

  19. 稳定物价新思路

    New Approaches to Maintain Stable Prices

  20. 现在我们准备把储备猪肉投放到市场以稳定物价。

    We are now ready to put the pork reserve into the market to stabilize prices .

  21. 通过一系列财政政策的实施,可以使资源在促进充分就业、稳定物价和促进经济增长等方面发挥重要作用。

    Aims of this policy are increasing employment , stabilizing commodity price and promoting economic growth .

  22. 为了稳定物价,政府计画把所有的谷物买起来。

    The government plans to buy up all surplus grain in order to stabilize the price .

  23. 继续把抑制食品价格过快上涨作为稳定物价的重点。

    We will continue to make curbing excessive rises in food prices a priority of stabilizing prices .

  24. 促进我国清洁汽车研发的思路和对策研究稳定物价新思路

    The proposals and tactics for implementing clean vehicle R & D in China New Approaches to Maintain Stable Prices

  25. 商务部表示将动用中央和地方的猪肉储备来增加市场的供应量,稳定物价。

    The Ministry says it will use central and local pork reserves to increase market supply and stabilize prices .

  26. 但政府迄今仍把保增长放在比稳定物价更重要的位置上。

    But so far , the government still sets a higher priority for protecting growth than for stabilising prices .

  27. 同时,实践也证明了通货膨胀目标制在稳定物价、推动经济稳定增长方面具有显著效果。

    Meanwhile , it is proven that the inflation targeting policy has a significant effect on price stability and economic stability .

  28. 任何称职的央行行长都知道央行是干什么的:稳定物价。

    Any central Banker worth his salt knows what central Banks are meant to do : aim for " price stability " .

  29. 同时还要通过稳定物价、规范资本市场等途径保证居民财产性收入增加。

    In addition , the increasing property income should be guaranteed by leveling off prices , normalizing capital market and so on .

  30. 当时通胀有所抬头,使得一些市场人士怀疑这位新任主席对于稳定物价的承诺。

    At that moment inflation picked up , leading some in the market to doubt the new chairman 's commitment to stable prices .