
  • 网络oxya;Oxya chinensis;Oxya chinensis Thunb
  1. 通过腺体标本制作技术、石蜡切片技术和光镜观察,研究了中华稻蝗成虫的雄性附腺和储精囊的结构和功能。

    The structure and function of the mesoderm accessory glands and seminal vesicle in Oxya Chinensis ( Insecta : Orthoptera ), are studied with gland specimen , paraffin sections and light microscopy method .

  2. 笨蝗属于植食性蝗类,但取食有一定选择性.小稻蝗O.山稻蝗O。

    These grasshoppers belong to phytophaga , but they select certain plants for their food .

  3. 本文通过食物镉慢性染毒研究了镉对不同发育阶段的中华稻蝗GST和CarE活性的影响。

    In the present study , the biochemical effects of Cd on GST and CarE activities at different developmental stages of O. chinensis were studied .

  4. 据此推测,中华稻蝗徐州种群马拉硫磷敏感性下降与AChE无相关性,可能存在其他影响因素。

    Therefore , we speculated that AChE might not be correlated to reduced malathion susceptibility of Xuzhou population and there might be some other influence factors .

  5. 结果表明:在Pgm基因座上,马拉硫磷对具有不同基因型的中华稻蝗个体存在选择性致死作用,但是在Me基因座上未观察到类似选择性致死作用。

    The selective lethal effects were observed among the genotypes at Pgm locus but not at Me locus .

  6. 利用线粒体转录组作图方法,分析了中华稻蝗的线粒体转录产物,发现若虫中两个rRNA基因比成虫的表达水平高,而rRNA基因的转录效率比蛋白质编码基因高。

    Through mitochondrial transcript mapping , we analysed mitochondrial transcripts of O. chinensis , and found that expression level of two rRNA genes are higher in the nymph , and transcriptional efficiency of rRNA is higher than protein coding genes .

  7. 结果优选提取条件是:90%甲醇,65℃,料液比1:30,提取2h,其中中华稻蝗的含量高达20.15mg/g(干物质)。

    Results The optimum extraction condition was built for dosage liquor ( 1:30 w / v ) and extracting with 90 % methanol at 65 ℃ for 2 h. The content of dry flavonoids from Chinese grasshopper is up to 20.15mg/g .

  8. 以马拉硫磷(0.45g/ml)、敌百虫(0.90g/ml)以及由该两种杀虫剂混配的农药[敌-马乳油(0.40g/ml)]为供试药剂,采用腹部注射法对中华稻蝗5龄若虫进行毒力测定。

    In this paper , the toxicity of three insecticides : Malathion ( 0.45g / ml ), Trichlorfon ( 0.90g / ml ) and their mixture ( 0.40g / ml ) to the 5th instar larvae of grasshopper was tested by injecting .

  9. 中华稻蝗低龄若虫取食习性和营养效应

    The Feeding Habits of Nymph of Young Rice Grasshopper

  10. 研究结果表明,高浓度镉对中华稻蝗的生长有显著的抑制作用。

    The results showed that high Cd significantly inhibited the growth of grasshoppers .

  11. 楝属植物质杀虫剂对中华稻蝗生物活性研究(Ⅰ)拒食作用

    Studies on the Bioactivity of Botanical Insecticides of the Melia to Chinese Rice Grasshopper

  12. 现行的稻蝗亚科并非一单系群,而是一多系群。

    The current Oxyinae is not a monophyletic group , and should be a polyphyletic group .

  13. 黄土高原另一侧的延安地区的中华稻蝗应为一个地理宗或居群。

    The rice grasshopper in the other side of loess plateau are a geographical race or population .

  14. 研究结果表明:镉和铬在中华稻蝗自然种群不同组织部位的富集量不同,且雌雄间存在差异。

    The results showed that accumulation of Cd in O. chinensis were different in various parts of the insect .

  15. 本文以中华稻蝗为实验材料,从生化水平和分子水平对重金属镉的解毒机理进行了深入系统的研究。

    In this research , we studied systemically the detoxification mechanism at the biochemical and molecular levels in O. chinensis .

  16. 秦岭山脉北麓的眉县至长安一线的中华稻蝗距离较近,应为一个地理宗或居群;

    The rice grasshoppers in the north of Qinling mountains are similar , and should be a geographical race or population .

  17. 中华稻蝗卵胚胎发育观察与应用技术

    Investigation into Eastasian Migratory Locust Pest and Prevent Control Practice The Embryonic Development in Chinese Rice Grasshopper Egg and Its Application

  18. 结果表明,中华稻蝗食道内壁由纵行脊组成,前端有齿。

    The results show that the inner walls of the esophagus consist of longitudinal ridges , with teeth at the front tip .

  19. 中华稻蝗成虫呈黄绿色,雌虫比雄虫略大,喜栖息于潮湿的环境。

    O. chinensis likes humid condition . The color of its adult is yellow-green , and the female ones are bigger than the male ones .

  20. 采用多点试验方法,对稻蝗若虫集中田边为害期导致的水稻产量损失进行测定。

    Loss of rice produce was measured by the methods of multiple point experiment during the intensive attacking period of rice nymphae near the boundary strip .

  21. 主要结果归纳如下:(1)根据胚胎发育形态,将中华稻蝗胚胎发育分为11个阶段。

    The main results are as followed : ( 1 ) According to the different embryonic morphology , the embryonic development was devided into 11 stages .

  22. 中华稻蝗在第一、二龄期主要在产卵场所取食杂草,很少取食水稻。

    Most small rice grasshopper , Oxya chinensis ( Thunbery ), in first and second instar chiefly ate the grasses at place of oviposition , and ate little rice .

  23. 参考以前的研究方法及命名并略做修改,将中华稻蝗上唇&唇基区后面分成12个区域并按照区域的顺序对感受器的类型及分布进行描述。

    Following the method and nomenclature of previous studies with some addition , the posterior surface of mouthpart is divided into 12 areas , and the sensillae are described in the order of area number .

  24. 中华稻蝗主食水稻、高粱和玉米等禾本科植物,具有繁殖数量多、食量大的特点,因而对我国粮食产量造成严重损失。

    The major food of O. chinensis is rice , sorghum , maize , and other grasses . It has characters of reproducing and eating a large number of food , thus , it caused serious losses every year .

  25. 而北方的铁岭、济南种群的低温驯化效果不显著。(4)应用直线回归法和直接最优法计算了中华稻蝗4地理种群卵的发育起点温度和有效积温。

    But High-latitude Tieling and Jinan populations did not get good acclimation effect . ( 4 ) The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of 4 populations were analyzed with the liner regression method and the optimum seeking method .

  26. 镉在雌雄中华稻蝗消化道内均有较高的富集,其中中肠的累积量最高,且与其它组织部位存在显著差异。

    The results indicated that the accumulation of Cd in the gut of O. chinensis was higher , and that that in the midgut was the highest and showed significant difference compared to those of the other parts ( P0.001 ) .

  27. 根据中国林蛙取食的特点,提出以中华稻蝗替代或部分替代黄粉虫作为中国林蛙饵料的设想,并对其人工饲养技术进行了初步研究。

    According to the preying habit of Chinese forest frog , this article gave an idea to feed it with Chinese rice grasshopper as a substitute food or at least a part , and preliminary studies were carried out on artificial rearing technique of Chinese rice grasshopper .