
  • 网络mooney;Munni
  1. 但我刚刚救了穆尼。

    But I was just getting mooney .

  2. 穆尼解释说,鸟儿可以除掉树枝上有害的甲虫、毛虫、蚂蚁与蚜虫,增进树木的活力。

    Birds remove harmful species of beetles , caterpillars , ants and aphids from branches , Mooney explained , increasing the vigor of trees .

  3. 想把自己的方法用在穆尼戚马种上。

    Trying to Ambassador his way into the Muniqi blood .

  4. 穆尼-爱瓦特同轴圆筒旋转粘度计熔融挤出扩链反应制备高粘度尼龙6

    Preparation of Nylon 6 with High Viscosity by Chain-extension during Melting Extrusion

  5. 穆尼说,缅甸还讨论了就关键的能源供应问题,包括石油供给事宜,达成新的协议。

    Muni says Burma has also discussed brokering new deals for critical energy supplies including oil .

  6. 因此在该地区的泥棚村落里,还有更多女性的遭遇和穆尼类似。

    So there may be many more women like Munni in the mud-hut villages of the area .

  7. 穆尼也没有报警。她和丈夫兄弟三人生育了三个儿子。

    Munni , who has three sons from her husband and his brothers , has not filed a police complaint either .

  8. 米特尼克已经将穆尼奥兹的电话线转接到了洛杉矶的一个办公室;那里的一个临时雇员再把召舞女的电话转接回拉斯维加斯穆尼奥兹那里。

    Mr Mitnick has diverted Mr Munoz 's telephone lines to an office in Los Angeles ; a temp there relays the requests for dancers back to Mr Munoz in Las Vegas .