
  1. 穆青是从枪林弹雨中走出来的新闻工作者。

    Mu Qing is the journalist who walks from the hail of bullets .

  2. 穆青,中国当代杰出的新闻工作者,建国以来,他的每一篇通讯报道几乎都成为中国新闻界的范文。

    Mu Qing was an outstanding journalist in contemporary China . Since 1949 , every news communication of his was almost model essay in Chinese press .

  3. 此外,探讨穆青新闻写作风格对当代新闻业务的启示,为新闻写作呈现丰富多彩的样式而尽微薄之力。

    In addition , Mu Qing news writing style to explore the contemporary news business insights , news writing for a variety of styles and make modest .

  4. 从另一方面看,则说明穆青的新闻敏感、新闻价值标准,是以人民是历史的真正创造者这一唯物主义根本观点为基础的。

    Secondly , this reveals that Muqing 's news sensitivity and value standard are based on the elementary materialist standpoint that people are the true maker of the history .

  5. 新中国建立后,穆青在新闻战线担任领导工作,不再直接从事军事报道。

    After new China establishes , Mu Qing holds the post of the leadership work in the news front , no longer directly is engaged in the military report .

  6. 1982年由穆青同志首倡的散文式新闻走俏报坛,对推动新闻文体改革产生了很大作用。

    A kind of " Prose Report " advanced by Mu Qing was very popular in 1982 , which played a very important role for the development of the News reform .

  7. 穆青是新中国新闻工作的杰出代表。在他长达半个世纪的新闻工作中,穆青在新闻实践和新闻理论方面均取得了许多重大的成就。

    Mu Qing was an outstanding representative of journalists in New China , who had made plenty of significant achievements in the aspects of journalistic theory and practice during his half-century working time .

  8. 他们的智慧、他们的力量源于人民,他们从人民那里吸取乳汁,而后反哺于人民,这是穆青笔下人物的共同品格。

    Their wisdom and power come from the people and they absorb latices from the people and then feed back to the people , which is the common feature of the main characters in his writings .

  9. 但是通过检索发现,虽然学界和业界对于穆青的研究硕果颇丰,但还没有发现以穆青新闻写作风格作为论题进行深入系统的研究成果。

    But found through the search , although the academic and industry research for the Mu Qing fruit size , but has not yet found that Mu Qing style news writing system as a topic in-depth research results .

  10. 摘要穆青是中国杰出的新闻工作者,经历了抗日战争、解放战争和新中国建设,是新中国新闻事业的奠基人之一。

    Mu qing , an outstanding journalist in china , is one of the founders of new china 's journalism who experienced the war of resistance against japan , china 's war of liberation and new china 's construction .

  11. 长期以来,从新华社上海分社社长、新华社国内部主任、副社长、总编辑、社长,穆青一直担任新华社的领导职务。

    Since long ago , from Xinhua News Agency Shanghai branch organization head , Xinhua News Agency country interior director , vice-president , editor-in-chief , the organization head , Mu Qing holds the post of Xinhua News Agency continuously the leadership duty .