
  • 网络Kongzhong;KONG;LTON
  1. 随后通过空中网商业模式的案例,演示了本文所建立的移动商务模式分析及评价过程。

    Additionally , through the analysis of Kong . net ' business model the analysis and evaluation process of m-commerce model built in this thesis is demonstrated .

  2. 空中网优&卫星地图技术在PHS精确网优中的应用

    Network Optimization in the Air & the Application of Satellite Mapping Technology in the Area for PHS Network Optimization

  3. 目前,飞行中的Wi-Fi主要依赖于Ku波段的信号信道,这使得它很容易受到飞行过程中不稳定的影响。新近的高速空中网基于Ka波段,意味着网速将比目前已有的选择快得多。

    Currently , in-flight Wi-Fi mostly relies on the Ku band signal channel , which makes it susceptible to instability during flights . The latest high-speed in-flight Wi-Fi operates on the Ka band , meaning the internet speed will be much faster than the currently available options .

  4. 空中网捕昆虫数量动态不同程度受到温度、风速和风向的影响。

    The insect population dynamics of aerial netting were affected by temperature , wind speed and wind direction .

  5. 自1994年以来,陆续出现了许多雄心勃勃的空中Internet网方案,其中有些采用的技术及业务在地理上和种类上的覆盖都有着重大突破,对通信业界乃至整个社会生活都将产生影响。

    Since 1994 , many ambitious space Internet solutions arise one after another . Some of them have made great breakthrough in the applied technologies and the service coverage and categories , which will exert great influence on the communication industry and even the whole society .

  6. 它是一个用看起来象停在半空中的波浪网似的铝金属丝做成的画。

    It is a line drawing made out of aluminum wire that looks like a wavy net floating in mid-air .

  7. 1988和1990年秋季,在南京市郊江浦县用超高频雷达、气球拖带空中捕虫网及田间笼罩,对褐飞虱秋季回迁进行了研究。

    Radar , aerial netting and ground sampling were used to study the autumn migration of Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) in Jiangpu County , suburb of Nanjing City , in 1988 and 1990.Jiangpu with single middle and late rice .