
  1. 此前不久,供应链曾受到类似的冲击,例如去年造成关键的空运航线停运的冰岛火山灰云,以及同样是在去年的中国电子产品生产基地的劳资纠纷。

    The catastrophe comes soon after similar shocks to supply chains , such as the Icelandic volcanic ash clouds that crippled crucial air freight routes last year and labour unrest at electronics production sites in China , also last year .

  2. 航空公司的每条航线就是一个细分的空运市场,整个航线网络则是其空运市场的活动舞台,因此提高航线和航线网络的经济性是增强航空公司竞争力的关键。

    Each airline is a fine air transportation market segment , and the whole airline-network is airlines ' market domain , so improving the economy of airline and airline-network is a key problem to strengthen competition of airlines .