
  • 网络Perforation disease;shot-hole disease;Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni;Caverred disease of soft-shelled turtle;Xanthomonas pruni;shothole disease
  1. 中华鳖穿孔病的免疫预防研究

    Studies of Immunoprophylaxis Against Caverned Disease in Soft - shelled Turtle

  2. 细菌性穿孔病是李主要病害之一。

    Bacterial shot-hole is one of the major diseases in plum .

  3. 由此说明这4种菌株为穿孔病的病原菌。

    It proved that four strains were the pathogens of caverned disease .

  4. 铜锌石灰液防治桃树穿孔病试验

    Experiment on controlling peach bacterial shot hole with copper zinc lime liquid

  5. 国外李细菌性穿孔病药剂防治试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Control of Bacterial Perforation of Introduced Plum

  6. 中华鳖穿孔病的病原菌及其防治的研究

    Study on Caverned Disease Pathogens of Soft-shelled Turtle and Control

  7. 鳖穿孔病的病原研究

    Pathology of the caverned disease of soft-shelled turtle

  8. 中华鳖穿孔病病理变化

    Pathological changes of cavern disease in soft-shelled turtle

  9. 鲤鱼穿孔病的病理学观察

    Pathological observation of the perforation disease in carp

  10. “诸暨黑李”穿孔病病原菌的分离和鉴定

    Separation and identification of the pathogen of leaf shot hole of " zhuji black plum "

  11. 氮磷钾肥对南板蓝穿孔病发生及防治的影响

    The Fertilizer 's Influence of Nitrogen , Phosphor and Kalium to the Prevention and Cure of Strobilanthes Cusia 's Holing Illness

  12. 诸暨黑李及绍兴地区各地的桃、樱桃、樱花、李和杏等核果类一些品种发生了穿孔病。

    Recently , the disease of shot hole of " Zhuji black plum " and other stone fruits fruits is found seriously .

  13. 不久就会因严重的炎症导致鳞片脱落,露出肉部,看起来就像在身体上开了个洞,所以叫穿孔病。

    Will soon lead to severe inflammation of the scales fall off exposing the meat department looks like on the body to open a hole so I shot hole .

  14. 本文从园地选择、品种、砧木、清除病源、科学用药、控制树势等几个方面探讨了李细菌性穿孔病的综合防治技术。

    In this article , selection of orchard site , variety , rootstock , elimination of diseased tissues , chemical application , etc , to control the disease systematically are discussed .

  15. 运用试验设计及数理统计的方法探讨了氮磷钾肥对南板蓝穿孔病危害程度的影响及该病的防治措施。

    The experimental design and mathematical statistic method has been used to find the fertilizer 's influence of nitrogen , phosphor and kalium on the hazard index of holing illness and to find the prophylactic-therapeutic measures .

  16. 4种杀线虫剂对红掌相似穿孔线虫病的防治效果

    Control Effects of Four Nematicides on Burrowing Nematode of Anthurium andraeanum

  17. 通过盆栽试验,测定了杀线虫剂克线磷、福气多、涕灭威、卡线特对红掌相似穿孔线虫病的防治效果。

    The control effects of four nematicides against burrowing nematodes Radopholus similis on Anthurium andraeanum were tested by pot experiments .

  18. 完全性关节盘前移位和关节盘穿孔与骨关节病的关系密切。

    It is suggest that the complete anterior disc displacement and perforation of TMJ be associated with osteoarthrosis .

  19. 结果表明:关节内窥镜对颞下颌关节内紊乱和关节盘移位、骨膜炎症、纤维粘连、关节盘穿孔以及骨关节病的关节结构退行性变均有特殊的诊断价值。

    We conclude that TMJ arthroscopy is very important in detecting and localizing disc displacement , synovitis , articular degenerative change , adhesions and perforations .