
lì tǐ zhào xiànɡ jī
  • stereo camera;stereoscopic camera;panoramic camera
  1. 颜色的火山灰沉积这个子午线平原认为,正如火星快车高分辨率立体照相机看到。

    Deposits of volcanic ash colour this view of the Meridiani Planum , as seen by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera .

  2. 它被广泛用于导航、智能视频监控、立体照相机,近距离传感器等方面。随着人们对目标跟踪的精度要求越来越高,越来越多的学者开始研究新的目标跟踪算法或改进已有的目标跟踪算法。

    It is widely used for navigation , intelligent video surveillance , stereo camera , close sensors , etc. As people to target tracking accuracy requirement is higher , many scholars began to research the new target tracking algorithm or improvement of the existing target tracking algorithm .

  3. 他们的机器人由特别设计的软件、一个立体照相机、两只机械臂、抓握器及力感应器组成。

    Their robot was made of custom software , a three-dimensional camera , two robotic arms , grippers and force detectors .

  4. 自动折页塑料线烫订机立体或折叠式照相机

    Automatic folding and thread-sealing machine

  5. 本文具有创新性的研究工作概括如下:1.提出基于立体视觉的照相机阵列系统方案。

    The major innovational work is as follows : 1 . The camera array system based on stereo vision is proposed .