
  • 网络bamboo flooring
  1. 地板的使用历史很久远,主要的发展趋势是实木地板、竹木地板强化复合地板和实木多层地板。

    The use of the floor very long history , the main development trend is solid wood flooring , bamboo flooring strengthen the multi-storey composite solid wood floors and floor .

  2. 竹木地板的结构与特点

    The structure and features of bamboo and wood floor

  3. 竹木地板的质量鉴别

    The quality appraising for bamboo and wood floor

  4. 本机是为竹木地板、家具等平面板材着色而设计。

    This machine is specially designed to paint the flat faced lumber like the bamboo floor and furniture .

  5. 讨论了影响竹木地板质量的主要因素和鉴别质量的方法,介绍了目前竹木地板的主要种类和有关的竹木地板标准。

    Influence factors and appraising on quality for bamboo and wood floor were discussed . Primary variety and standards of bamboo and wood floor were introduced .

  6. 桉木与竹子混合置换蒸煮(DDS)的研究地采暖用竹木复合地板相关性能研究

    Study on Displacement Digester Systerms ( DDS ) Cooking with the Mixture of Eucalyptus and Bamboo ; Research on the Related Performance of Bamboo-Wood Composite Flooring for Ground with Heating System

  7. 功能性复合脂质体的制备及应用研究地采暖用竹木复合地板相关性能研究

    Fabrication and Application of Functional Hybrid Liposome Research on the Related Performance of Bamboo-Wood Composite Flooring for Ground with Heating System

  8. 地采暖用竹木复合地板相关性能研究竹塑复合材料的制备及主要材性研究

    Research on the Related Performance of Bamboo-Wood Composite Flooring for Ground with Heating System Study on the Preparation and Properties of Bamboo Plastic Composites

  9. 阐述了我国竹木复合材料的研究进展,着重介绍了竹木复合材料的优势和其在竹木复合地板、竹木复合模板、厢底板等方面的应用。

    Research Advances on bamboo-wood composites in China are reviewed , The advantage and application in bamboo-wood parquet , bamboo-wood form and board are introduced particularly in this article .