
sǔn gān
  • dried bamboo shoots
笋干 [sǔn gān]
  • [dried bamboo shoots] 晒干了的竹笋

笋干[sǔn gān]
  1. 影响天目笋干产量的主导气象因子

    Chief Meteorologic Factors Affecting Dried Bamboo Shoots Output

  2. 嘉庆点点头道:“这汤既然是爱卿之妻玉兰的笋干所制,以后就管他叫玉兰片汤吧。”从此,“玉兰片汤”这一雅号就不胫而走,名扬天下。

    Emperor Jia Qing nodded and said : " Since the soup is made from the dried bamboo shoots of your wife Yu Lan , then we will name it after her . " Since then , the elegant name " Yu Lan soup " enjoyed an incessant national fame .

  3. 桂西笋干中的Fe、Zn、Mg含量远远高于桂西16种蔬菜中微量元素的含量,Cu、Ca、Mn含量高于部分蔬菜含量。

    The content of Fe , Zn , Mg in the bamboos of Guangxi were obviously higher than those in sixteen vegetables , and the content of Cu , Ca and Mn were higher than partly vegetables .

  4. 浙江省笋干产量时空动态研究

    A Study on the Spatial-temporal Dynamics of Dried Bamboo-shoots Output in Zhejiang Province

  5. 毛竹笋干微波干燥工艺的研究

    Study on Drying Technique of Bamboo Shoot

  6. 嘉兴市秀洲区笋用竹生产现状与展望千岛湖野生笋干竹林改造试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Transformation of Wild Shoot Use Bamboo Forest in Thousand Island Lake Area

  7. 真空冷冻干燥和热干燥绿竹笋笋干品质的比较

    Studied on the Quality Comparation between the Vacuum Freezing and Hot Drying Bamboo Drying Products

  8. 奉化市羊尾笋干生产的调查

    Investigation on the production of dried bamboo shoot " sheep tail " of Feng Hua City

  9. 郭信在京城的家中用笋干煮食烧汤,正欲食之,恰逢门外来报:“皇上驾到!”

    One day when Guo Xin was cooking bamboo soup at home he is told that the Emperor had arrived .

  10. 以此方法制成的笋干不仅色泽光亮、洁白,质地松软,复水性好,且营养味美。

    By this way , the drying shoot is not only bright and lustrous , white , soft , restoring water , but also nutritious and tasty .

  11. 临走时,嘉庆还对刚才喝的那道汤恋恋不舍,郭信把未煮过的笋干让随行太监带回宫。

    Upon leaving , knowing his Majesty was still attached to the soup , Guo Xin asked the emperor if he could have the honor to have the uncooked dried bamboos as tribute to His Majesty .