
bǐ mò
  • pen and ink;words;writing;articles;words or writing
笔墨 [bǐ mò]
  • (1) ∶[words or writing]指文字或文章

  • 我们的心情难以用笔墨来形容

  • 笔墨酣畅

  • (2) [pen and ink]∶笔和墨

  • 泪珠和笔墨齐下。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

笔墨[bǐ mò]
  1. 笔墨程式就是笔墨有一定的规定性和程序性。

    Pen and ink is ink program have certain regulation and procedure .

  2. 笔墨与中国水墨人物画

    Pen and ink and the Chinese ink wash figure painting

  3. 我们激动的心情难以用笔墨来形容。

    Words can hardly describe how excited we were .

  4. 在这个问题上已经花了不少笔墨。

    Over the question much ink has already been shed .

  5. 笔墨不能形容其万一。

    It simply beggars description .

  6. 同时,当我们谈到标准时,我们在Web服务的描述上花了大量的笔墨,这可能反而削弱了以上5种显著差异的描述。

    At the same time when we discussed standards , the bulk of the standards we illustrated are focused on Web services that may have diluted the message that there are five distinct differences .

  7. 数据-笔墨比率对过程监控任务绩效的影响

    The Effect of Data-ink Ratio on Performance in a Process-Monitoring Task

  8. 对于笔墨的思考和创新至今还在延续。

    Thinking on and innovation of painting still continues today .

  9. 从山顶看去的景色是笔墨难以形容的。

    The view from the top was quite beyond description .

  10. 笔墨艺术元素在视觉传达设计中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Brush-ink Art in Visual Communication Design

  11. 观看锦标赛的观众们丢下的废物,实非笔墨所能描述。

    The rubbish left behind by the Cup Final crowd beggars description .

  12. 乔:但你的美貌非笔墨可形容,我爱慕你。

    Joe : But your beauty transcends words . I adore you .

  13. 论笔墨的精神内涵与时代特性

    On the Spiritual Intension and Time Characteristic of Chinese Painting

  14. 中国画艺术的胸襟乾坤&浅谈国画艺术语言及笔墨精神

    Meanings In Chinese Paintings & CHINESE PAINTING 'S lANGUAGE AND ITS SPIRIT

  15. 线与笔墨赋予可见的形象联想之外,也应有更深沉的意味。

    Lines and brush-and-ink should contain deeper meaning beyond the visible images .

  16. 从表现形式来说,对水彩变化影响最为直接的是中国画的笔墨理念和精神。

    The most direct influence is Chinese painting pen concept and spirit .

  17. 中国画笔墨功力中的审美文化

    The Aesthetic Culture under Brush Powers of Chinese Traditional Paintings

  18. 中国画发展至今已形成一套完整、系统的笔墨形式和创作模式。

    Chinese painting has developed into a systematic model .

  19. 这样才能更好的发挥笔墨的优良传统。

    Such ability brings pen and ink fine tradition into play more well .

  20. 笔墨&传统中国画的灵魂

    Brush and Ink : Soul of Traditional Chinese Paintings

  21. 笔墨在历史发展历程中,所凝聚的文化内涵。

    Secondly , the meaning of culture embodied by the pen and ink .

  22. 形式论试论笔墨符号

    On form Discussion of Language Symbol in the Chinese-painting

  23. 我的老婆的美非笔墨所可形容,但却非无可争论。

    My wife is too beautiful for word , but not for arguments .

  24. 浅析笔墨意境在现代服装设计中的运用

    Application of Writings Artistic Conception of Chinese Painting in the Modern Fashion Design

  25. 当你的感受笔墨无法形容。

    When words don 't come close to how your heart really feels .

  26. 笔墨技法是中国画的根基,笔情墨韵则是中国画的灵魂。

    Ink skill is its base , and pitch rhythm is its soul .

  27. 大峡谷的宏伟不是笔墨所能形容的。

    The grandeur of the Grand Canyon transcends description .

  28. 宋元水墨山水画笔墨风格的继承与创新

    Song and Yuan Style Ink Pen and Ink Landscape Painting Tradition and Innovation

  29. 这一节将笔墨的重点用在1624年之前专利制度的历史上。

    This section focus on the history of the patent system before 1624 .

  30. 这风景之美丽非我笔墨所能形容。

    The scene is so beautiful that it transcends my power of description .