
  • 网络Ranking Method;Rank Order Method;Hierarchical method;classification method
  1. 运用综合评估等级法确定PSC检查的重点

    Determination of the inspection order in port state control using the synthetic evaluation grade method

  2. 相对公差等级法解尺寸链

    Solve the dimensional chains with the methods of the relative tolerance grade

  3. 船舶稳性评价的重心高度等级法研究

    A Study of Grade 's Method of Gravity Center High for Ship 's Stability Evaluation

  4. 研究大尺寸工件量规的公差和设计等有关问题,提出了大尺寸工作量规设计的精度等级法,列举了实例计算,为大尺寸工件量规研究和设计提供了重要资料。

    Design and tolerance of big workpiece gauge were researched . Design method of big workpiece gauge and calculating example also are offered .

  5. 设计和制作了一种电喷发动机进气系统觉积物模拟评价装置,提出了评价进气系统沉积物生成的方法&外观等级法,并用实验验证了该方法的可靠性。

    A simulator to evaluate the Inlet System Deposits of the Electric Injector Engine was desigened with a new Audio Degree method to evaluate the deposits formed .

  6. 运用层次分析法为每一个胜任特征指标设定权重,同时采用行为锚定等级法为其设定级别。

    By using the analytic hierarchy process to enactment right weight for each indicator . While using the behavior anchor level to setting grade level for each indicator .

  7. 铝合金液凝固过程中,外压及合金的凝固温度范围的大小,对使用针孔度等级法检测铝合金液含氢量有一定影响,外压小时,检测较为精确。

    In the aluminum alloy melt solidification process , the outside pressure and the solidification temperature range have some influence on using the pinhole degree rank method to examine the hydrogen content in aluminum alloy melt .

  8. 在开挖施工阶段,岩爆的预防主要有三种方法,即:理论推算岩爆强度等级法、超前地质预报法和钻孔爆破预卸载法。

    During the tunnel cutting and construction period , there are mainly three prevention methods to fight against rock burst : theoretical calculation of rock burst strength grade , advance geological forecast and pre-unloading by drilling burst .

  9. 为了提高相似重复记录的检测精度,在相似重复记录检测算法的基础上,采用等级法为记录各字段指定合适的权重,从而提高了相似重复记录的检测精度。

    To improve the detecting precision , based on method of approximately duplicated records cleaning , each field of record is appointed a proper weight through using rank-based weights method in the process of approximately duplicated records detecting .

  10. 方法:头颅CT受检者随机分组,用原设置的标准条件和不同的低剂量条件分别扫描,采用不同重建卷积函数成像,对图像质量行等级盲法评价。

    Methods : People who underwent head CT scans were divided into several groups at random . Images were achieved by different dose scans and reconstructed with different kernels .

  11. 由3位放射科医师用5等级判别法各自独立阅片,用ROCkit软件对观察结果进行ROC曲线分析。

    The signals were examined by DES and CDR separately and were estimated by 3 radiologists with 5-value-differentiation method . ROC curve analysis was made by ROC kit software .

  12. 本文试从系统工程的观点出发提出模块体系的建立方法,其中包括基于等级分析法的模块结构分解和AHP法模块方案选优。

    This paper tries to give the establishment method of module system from a systems engineering viewpoint . This method includes decompose of the modular construction decompose based on the rank analysis method and the modularization plan selection based on AHP method .

  13. 用等级均分法可以做到上述那一点。

    The method of graded dichotomies enables this to be done .

  14. 试论中国古代的等级特权法

    Discussing on the hierarchy and privilege of ancient China

  15. 其次,在声质量主观评价方面,本文提出了使用等级打分法和成对比较法相互参照来进行产品声质量主观评价的方法。

    Secondly , rank marking and paired comparison approaches are used to subjective sound quality .

  16. 该算法首先采用基于模型的等级估计法对相邻帧的单映变换矩阵进行估计;

    Firstly , the hierarchical model-based motion estimation is adopted to compute the adjacent homography matrix .

  17. 行为锚定等级评价法传奇法术等级:传奇法术没有明确的等级。

    Behaviorally anchored rating scale ( bars ) Epic Spell Levels : Epic spells have no fixed level .

  18. 两种方法对比表明,模糊评价法优于等级系数法。

    By comparing the results of the two methods , the fuzzy evaluation method is better than the grade coefficient method .

  19. 参考症状量化研究的等级量化法,将程度证候分为轻、中、重、很重四级。

    Reference level quantization of the symptoms of quantitative research , the degree of syndromes were divided into mild , moderate , heavy and four .

  20. 该方法提出了作业单位相互关系的等级表示法,使布局问题由定性阶段发展到定量阶段。

    This method puts forward the operation unit of the relationship between level representation , make the layout problem developed from qualitative stage to quantitative stage .

  21. 就我国目前的现实情况而言,实施贷款风险等级分类法是更好的也是更为现实的选择。

    As regards our country 's present reality , it is a more realistic and better choice to implement the risk based loan grade classification method .

  22. 研究表明,对于同一个评价对象,采用模糊评价法和等级系数法所得结论并非在所有情况下都完全相同。

    The result shows that for the same subject , the conclusions obtained from the methods of fuzzy evaluation and grade coefficient are not the same in all situation .

  23. 提出了以关键绩效指标法,360度绩效评价法和行为锚定等级评价法为指导的评价指标体系和权重体系。同时对绩效评价的过程给予阐述。

    Propose with key performance indicator , 360 performance evaluation assessment and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale make grade evaluation assessment for evaluation indicator system and weight system that guide .

  24. 其主要原因是方法本身存在差别,且等级系数法的最终安全等级取值论域与各层次指标的安全等级取值论域不一致。

    The main reasons are the difference of the method itself and the difference in obtained value theory domain between final safety grade and each level of grade coefficient method .

  25. 介绍了五种计算健康预期寿命的方法:沙立文方法、双递减法、多增减状态生命表方法、微观仿真法、隶属等级模型法,并对各种方法的优缺点作了述评。

    This paper reviews five methods of calculating healthy life expectancy , namely , Sullivan method , double-decrement method , multistate life table method , micro-simulation method , grade of membership model .

  26. 故分别采用道氏火灾爆炸指数法和多因子综合积分等级评估法对火灾爆炸和毒物泄漏风险进行评价,并在此基础上,运用层次分析法,进行散化码头风险综合评价。

    So DOW Fire & Explosion index and Integral Rate will be used to assess them Respectively . Based on this , the synthesis risk index can be obtained on the principle of AHP .

  27. 根据安全评价等级系数法的评价指标体系和权重,对人机环境系统安全性评价的模糊数学方法进行研究。

    According to the evaluating index system and weight in the grade coefficient method of safety evaluation , a fuzzy mathematical method for the safety evaluation of man-machine environment system is studied in this paper .

  28. 论述了波普的三个世界理论、等级排序法和对数透视定律,在此基础上,重点论述了布鲁克斯的情报学基本方程。

    This paper expounds the theory of three worlds of k.popper , the grade sequencing method and the logarithmic perspective law , and based on this , expounds the basic equations of Brooks information science .

  29. 基于模糊数学理论,采用模糊综合评判法原理提出了综合公园景观评价的方法和模型,并结合等级参数法给出了各评价指标评语集的含义和等级参数。

    Based on the theory of fuzzy mathematics , a classification model for urban Comprehensive Park landscape evaluation was proposed by using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method and meaning of evaluation reviews and level parameter sets are given .

  30. 作者提出了两种通过专家评议、确定评议对象优劣的综合评判方法,即等级评判法和比较评判法,并从理论上证明了所得结果至少是多目标问题的有效解。

    Two methods of synthetic judgement through judgement form experts were presented , i.e. hierachical judgement method and comparative judgement method . The fact that the result is at least an efficient solution of multi-objectiVe programming is also proved .