
děnɡ jí ɡuān niàn
  • obsession of hierarchy
  1. 加利福尼亚大学伯克力分校的历史学家大卫·N·凯特利告诉我,甲骨刻辞传达了那么多的等级观念和规矩,这给他的印象尤为深刻。

    David N.Keightley , a historian at the University of California , Berkeley , told me that he 's particularly struck by how oracle-bone inscriptions convey a sense of hierarchy and order .

  2. 消除等级观念,尊重作者的劳动;

    Eliminating the class-division concept , respecting the author 's work ;

  3. 只是印第安人,因为他们没有等级观念。

    Only the Indian ones , cause they 've got no class .

  4. 天生的高贵,没有等级观念。

    Someone with a natural nobility , who was classless .

  5. 试论武当山道教建筑群的等级观念

    The Degree Concepts Reflected from Wudang Mountains Taoist Building Complex

  6. 那件事凸显了北半球那些徒步者的等级观念。

    That occurrence highlighted sense of hierarchy of hikers in the northern hemisphere .

  7. 论中世纪西欧的三等级观念

    Ideas of Three-Orders in Medieval Western Europe

  8. 先秦儒家等级观念在经济思想上的反映

    A Preliminary Study of the Reflection of Confucian Hierarchy in Economic Thought in the Pre-Qing Period

  9. 中国传统文化中的等级观念有着强大的历史惯性和基础地位;

    The sense of hierarchy in Chinese traditional culture has had great historic inertia and basic functions .

  10. 随着现代经济的发展,人们的等级观念越来越淡薄。

    With the development of the modern economy , the sense of hierarchy has become increasingly diluted .

  11. 这种现象可能也归因于我们社会中很强的等级观念&因为我们笃信,人与人并不平等。

    It could also be because our society is very hierarchical . We intrinsically believe in inequality .

  12. 他们都在同一个平台上,没有凌驾于他人之上的等级观念。

    They are all in the same place , no one has any hierarchy over each other .

  13. 他们消除了等级观念

    They leveled that playing field

  14. 这种态度包括等级观念不强,得意洋洋的乐观劲儿和刨根问底的好奇心。

    This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness , a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness .

  15. 近代以来,中国现代性价值观念的萌生引发了知识界对传统等级观念和阶层关系的思考。

    The initiation of modern values leads to the thinking of traditional sense of hierarchy and class relations of intelligentsia .

  16. 医院的评审工作必须明确医院评审的目标,应强调功能到位,淡化等级观念;要按医院的功能、任务和定位对医院进行评审;

    Accreditation of hospital should definite the goal , organize accreditation in accordance with function , mission and location of hospital .

  17. 这种彼此宽和以及对外来客人友善的态度,在等级观念分明的印度看来是不可思议的,但它却是毛里求斯人典型的风格。

    What would be unthinkable in caste-conscious India is typical of the Mauritians'easy-going attitude towards one another and their foreign guests .

  18. 等级观念、伦理观念在精神上严重控制着人们的思想行为,使之很难真正改变自己的生存境遇。

    Senses of hierarchy and morality restrained people 's thinking and behaviors , making it hard for them to change their life .

  19. 让中国企业来经营海外分公司,这真是太难了,该高管表示:“中国社会的等级观念太过严重。”

    It is difficult for Chinese firms to run foreign ones , he says : " It is a very stratified society . "

  20. 闰土的变化不是困顿与压榨所致,而是封建等级观念造成的隔膜、悲剧。

    The changes of Rong Tu were not the results of hardship and exploitation but he gap and tragedy caused by the feudal hierarchy .

  21. 他继承了传统文化中的服饰等级观念;在人物服饰描写中体现了新旧杂糅、中西合璧的思想。

    He inherits the finery grade notion in traditional culture , reflects the idea of integration of west and east in the description of characterization .

  22. 而儒学的复兴使得两汉的等级观念更加明显,也使得这一时期的设计艺术带有浓厚的儒家思想。

    The revival of Confucianism made the sense of hierarchy more apparent , and also added a rich Confucianism to the design art of this period .

  23. 儒家思想的影响,使人们内心深处存在着挥之不去的根深蒂固的等级观念和礼制文化,是孕育敬谦的温良土壤。

    Under the impact of the Confucianism , people had the deep-rooted conception of culture and ceremony , which is the source of the respect and humility .

  24. 从中国文化层面上深入剖析了影响批评策略选择的文化因素,主要是中国人的等级观念、道德观念、为人处世哲学和礼貌面子观念。

    Cultural factors , including the sense of hierarchy , moral concepts , outlook on life and ideas of politeness and face , are also dealt with .

  25. 邻里间没有等级观念,虽职业不同,文化不同,但相互尊重,一家有忧,不乏同情关照。

    The neighborhood has no gradational concept , although occupation is different , culture is different , They respect each other , love and help is in everywhere .

  26. 亲属容隐制度虽是一项法律制度,但在实质上强调了封建社会中家庭等级观念,维护了封建宗法制。

    Although the kinship concealment institution is law , it emphasizes the mind of grade in family of feudal society and it maintains the hierarchy of ancient society .

  27. 黑人之所以被弃身于荒原主要是因为美国社会种族主义、物质主义、等级观念、性别歧视等社会因素造成的。

    The reasons that the blacks degenerate into such living situation are the social conditions existed in America : the widespread racism , materialism , class-consciousness , and sexism .

  28. 它主要包含对国家制度的近代性认识、否定传统政治体制和封建等级观念、对即将出现的新国家体制的设想等。

    Those state concepts include understanding of the modernization of the state institutions , denial of the traditional political system and feudal hierarchy concept , and assumption of forthcoming regime .

  29. 摘要城市是客观经济基础、宗教推动力以及在阶级分化基础上产生的等级观念等方面发展到一定程度的产物。

    The city is the objective economic basis , the religious propelling force as well as aspects and so on rank idea which produces in the class differentiation foundation develops certain degree product .

  30. 社会的理想憧憬、等级观念、职能分工、空间调控、行为规范,等等,都能由一门而窥全豹。

    Ideal vision of society , hierarchy , division of functions , space control , code of conduct , and so on , all by a " door " and see the whole .