  • basket
  • basketful
  • 竹子或柳条等编成的盛东西的器具:~子。土~。抬~。


(用竹篾、 柳条等编的容器) basket:

  • 柳条筐

    wicker [willow] basket



  • 满满一筐苹果

    a basketful of apples;

  • 我们买了一筐桃子。

    We bought a basket of peaches.

  1. 我们买了一筐桃子。

    We bought a basket of peaches .

  2. 这筐梨去掉伤耗只剩18斤了。

    There are only eighteen jin of pears in this basket after taking out the damaged ones .

  3. 把蔬菜放在漏筐里控控水。

    Use a colander to strain the vegetables .

  4. 可能推迟英吉利海峡隧道开通的问题一大筐。

    A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel

  5. 进浴室前,他把脏衣服全都放进洗衣筐里。

    Before entering the bathroom , he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper

  6. 每亩梯田我们得填上成千上万筐好土。

    We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil .

  7. 筐里的土豆装得冒尖儿了。

    The basket is piled high with potatoes .

  8. 发现了一个铁丝筐。

    A wire basket was found .

  9. 有一天,我眼看着他把600张电脑打印纸揉成纸团对着垃圾筐练三分投篮。

    The other day I watched him wad up 600 sheets of computer paper in pursuit of the perfect wastebasket three-point shot .

  10. 利用CAD技术改进筐形保持架一次压坡凸模的设计

    Improving design of male die used to singly press bevel of basket cage using CAD technique

  11. 每个周末,John都把一大筐的零钱抬去银行数清楚,然后再换成纸币拿回来。

    At the end of each week John took a giant bucket of change to the bank to be counted out and returned in bills .

  12. 研制了基于DSP为核心的运动控制系统,设计了绣筐电机和主轴电机等硬件控制模块电路,实现高速绣作硬件设计。

    The motion control system module is designed based on DSP which includes some hardware control modules such as taboret motor and principle axis motor . 3 .

  13. 通过TEM分析和焊丝表面敷层技术,研究了熔敷金属中筐篮编织状组织特征。

    In this paper , the microstructure of acicular ferrite in deposited metal are analyzed by means of TEM and covering solid wire technology .

  14. 在苹果分极系统中,由自行设计的DSP开发板进行关键的图像处理,最后分级的实现是由旋转电磁铁将苹果弹出传送带落入对应级别筐中。

    Apple grading system , using DSP image manipulation technique , automatically classify apples from the transferring belt into the corresponding basket , which is executed by a rolling electromagnet .

  15. 介绍了应用人机对话技术、PLC和全数字直流调速器,对依靠调整减速箱挡位来设定钢丝绳生产捻距和筐篮转速的老式机械传动的合绳机进行改造。

    Applying interactive interface , PLC and full digital DC speed adjusting system to update old mechanical closer that use gearbox settings to change the layer of wire rope and the speed of cage .

  16. 举个例子,一个购物筐和在购物筐中的产品SKU码。

    Take for example a shopping basket and the product SKUs inside the basket .

  17. 昆虫的调查采用100m×100m的样方,利用样筐和网捕法收集昆虫,记录昆虫数量,采集标本在室内进行鉴定。

    The insects were surveyed in 100 m × 100 m quadrats and caught by sampling frame and net-trap methods . The insects number was recorded and samples were collected for indoor identification .

  18. 对文件筐测验(I-B)在选拔高层经理人员中的实证研究

    A Study of the In-Basket Test Applied to Choosing Senior Managers in Enterprises

  19. 自行设计制造的61250筐篮式成绳机与引进的81250筐篮式成绳机相比,缩小了捻距公比,捻制钢丝绳直径范围为18.5~65mm。

    Basket closer designed and made by oneself compared with imported 8 / 1250 basket closer , the lay pitch ratio shrunk . The wire rope diameter scope is 18.5 ~ 65 ?

  20. 最后,来自英国的专业飞行员加里•克劳利(CaryCrawley)把热气球停靠于河流与耕地间的一块草地上,载人的柳条筐顺着结霜的草地冲撞了三下,才最终侧停住。

    Finally Cary Crawley , a professional balloon pilot from England , lands us on a meadow sandwiched between the river and a tilled field , the wicker basket bumping three times along the frosty grass before it comes to rest on its side .

  21. 触媒筐端部密封结构及密封环加工

    Fabrication of End Seal Structure and Seal ring in Catalyst Layer

  22. 一种筐篮式股绳机新型线架子结构的设计

    Design of a Kind of New Type Cradle of Basket Strander

  23. 翻译得不成熟,仅供参考:某网站有一个大的购物表和购物筐。

    One site had a great order form and shopping cart .

  24. 安检人员:您的手表和钥匙请放在这个小筐内。

    Attendant : Put your watch and keys in the tray .

  25. 他们把一筐一筐的白菜倒在卡车上。

    They emptied basket after basket of cabbages onto the truck .

  26. 圆锥滚子轴承筐形保持架压坡成形分析

    Analysis on Slope Formation of Basket-Shaped Cage for Tapered Roller Bearings

  27. 公文筐构思效度检验及测评优化研究

    Validating Construct Validity and Optimizing Test Effect of the In-basket Test

  28. 街道的两边都有废物筐。

    There are litter baskets on both sides of the street .

  29. 年龄稍小一点的用滑轮将岩石一筐一筐的拉出来。

    Younger teens then yank the rocks up with a pulley .

  30. 她很有力气,能挑好几筐土。

    She is strong enough to carry several basketfuls of __ .
