
  • 网络Simple Management
  1. 精益不是一种仅仅适用于制造业的简单管理策略或降低成本的方法,恰恰相反,精益已应用于大部分的商业和非营利机构,并且是组织发展所必须的运营方式。

    Lean is not a simple management strategy which is applicable only to manufacturing or cost reduction methods ; on the contrary , it has been used in most commercial and non-profit organization .

  2. 企业面临的复杂的内外部环境,要求管理模式能有效控制企业管理复杂的局面,简单管理思想便应运而生,其本质是要抓住事物的主要矛盾,提高管理效率。

    The complicated internal and external environment that enterprises face demand that their management mode effectively control the complexity . In this case , simple management theory comes out as it provided the characteristis of transition .

  3. 讨论了网桥模块中IP地址的组织方法,并对内存分配进行了一些简单管理。

    It also shows the organization method and some basic memory management in this system .

  4. 目前,高校的信息平台大都是基于Web的,然而它们通常仅仅是作为一个信息发布和简单管理的平台,而不是服务平台。

    At the present time , the platforms of information in most universities are based on Web , but they are usually used as a platform to publish information not as platforms of services .

  5. 这样做得的好处是,对于使用这两种类型的入侵检测可以提供简单管理的和降低误报的便利方式。

    In doing so , this provides a convenient means of managing and reacting to misuse using both types of intrusion detection .

  6. 通过实际网络环境搭建,实现了对设备的简单管理功能,操作直观,数据信息准确、及时,达到了预期目的。

    By building the actual network environment , the simple capabilities of network management is archived , it is very simple to operate the system , and the data is accurate and real time , the desired purpose is achieved .

  7. 另外,政府在管理突发公共事件过程中也没有成熟的危机理念,对突发公共事件的管理,不是采取一种独特的管理方式,而是仅仅当做一种日常简单管理,随其发生而再应对。

    In addition , the Government in the process of managing public emergencies mature concept of crisis management of public emergencies only as a simple routine management , rather than adopting a unique management style , but with its occurrence and then respond to .

  8. SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol,简单网络管理协议)是互联网的标准管理协议。

    SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) is the standard frameworks for managing Internet .

  9. SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol,简单网络管理协议)的设计原则是简单性和扩展性。

    SNMP 's ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) design principles are of simplicity and expansibility .

  10. 基于Java和简单网络管理协议的动态分布式网管系统模型

    Dynamic Network Management System Model Based on Java and Simple Network Management Protocol

  11. 更复杂的程序可能使用操作系统信号和简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol,SNMP)管理可用性。

    Programs that are more sophisticated might use operating system signals and Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) to manage availability .

  12. 简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol,SNMP)是目前TCP/IP网络中应用最为广泛的网络管理协议。

    SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP ) is the most widely used network management protocols in the current TCP / IP network .

  13. 简要介绍了简单网络管理协议以及在VC中如何用简单网络管理协议读取交换机中结点的流量信息。

    This paper briefly introduces SNMP and how to read the flow information of switch .

  14. 利用简单网络管理协议建设ATM用户电路监控系统

    Building ATM Customer Circuit Monitoring System By SNMP

  15. 简单网络管理协议(SNMP)是基于TCP/IP网络环境的应用层管理协议,因其简单和易于实现而成为计算机网络广泛应用的管理协议。

    The application layer protocol SNMP for network management is introduced .

  16. 传统的简单网络管理协议SNMP对此已经变得越来越力不从心。

    The traditional simple network management protocol SNMP has become obsolete .

  17. 要从网络路由器读取统计数据,收集器可以使用简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol,SNMP)或Telnet。

    To read statistics from a network router , a collector might use Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) or Telnet .

  18. 使用简单地址管理方式基于共享存储器的ATM交换结构的原理与实现

    Design and implementation of a shared buffer based ATM switching element with simple address management

  19. 文章介绍了简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol,SNMP)以及该协议分析仪的设计与实现过程。

    This paper has introduced the concept of the Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) and the process about design and implement of analyzer of SNMP .

  20. 使用软件工具(VMWare和MicrosoftVirtualPC)以便简单地管理远程部署和更新。

    Use software tools ( VMWare and Microsoft Virtual PC ) to easily manage remote deployments and updates .

  21. 当前,这类网络配置广泛使用的协议是SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol),简单网络管理协议。

    The network devices must be inevitably configured and supervised via network . Nowadays , SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) is the most popular network management protocol .

  22. 近年来计算机网络发展得越来越复杂,目前主流的网络管理协议SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol简单网络管理协议)无法满足当前的复杂网络的管理。

    In recent years , networks become more and more complex , Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) can not met requirement of current network management for complex networks .

  23. 使用CommunityEdition,您可以快速开发应用程序并使其以增量的方式发展,同时提供基本的安全性、简单的管理和手动的应用程序部署。

    Community Edition enables you to quickly develop applications and grow them incrementally , and provides basic security , easy administration , and manual application deployment .

  24. 本文对简单网络管理模型做了介绍,并在此基础上重点分析了嵌入式SNMPAgent软件结构。

    This Paper introduces the model of Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ), based on which analyzes the structure of embedded SNMP Agent .

  25. 基于简单网络管理协议SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol),通过采用分布式体系结构,设计并实现了军事综合信息网网络管理系统。

    Based on the simple network management protocol SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ), distributed architecture is adopted , and a military integrated information network management system is designed and implemented .

  26. 简单网络管理协议(SNMP)定义了采集和管理网络信息的规则。

    The Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) defines conventions for gathering and managing network related information .

  27. Swing具有先天的操作能力,HTML+JS适合于简单的管理应用和信息发布,信息整合,在这些方面有非常大优势。

    Swing operates well initially and HTML + JS has remarkable advantage in simple management application , information release , and information integration .

  28. 支持SNMP(简单网络管理协议)的网络管理系统,在IP网络上成为最流行的网络管理解决方案。

    SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) is one kind of successful network management protocol , which be used mostly in IP network .

  29. 许多与简单网络管理协议相关的(SNMP相关的)插件还需要Perl和Net::SNMP包。

    Many Simple Network Management Protocol-related ( SNMP-related ) plug-ins also require Perl and the Net : : SNMP package .

  30. SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol,简单网络管理协议)提供了一种支持多供应商、可协同操作的网络管理工具,以其简单性和可扩展性获得了广泛的使用和众多厂商的支持。

    SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) provides a kind of network management method capable of being operated coordinately and supporting many ISPs . It is very popular because of its simplicity and scalability .