
jiǎn bìnɡ yǐn wù
  • degenerate primer
  1. 根据测序结果,结合黑木耳密码子的偏爱性及引物设计原则,设计简并引物。

    Design degenerate primer according to the results of sequencing , preference of codon of Auricularia auricular , and principles of design of primer .

  2. 目前主要是利用简并引物PCR技术和分子图谱法分离植物抗病基因。

    The main methods for cloning resistance gene to diseases cover degenerate primer PCR and molecular mapping method .

  3. 简并引物PCR检测冠状病毒属病毒核酸;

    Detection of the nucleic acid of Coronavirus by PCR using genus-specific degenerate primers .

  4. 简并引物在PCR扩增甘油-3-磷酸转酰酶基因中的应用

    Application of Degenerate Primers for Amplification of the Gene Encoding Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase by Polymerase Chain Reaction

  5. 方法简并引物PCR法制备特异性DNA探针,生物素杂交检测氯氰菊酯抗性淡色库蚊。

    Methods Preparing specific DNA probe by degenerate PCR , identification and screening the cypermethrin resistance of Culex pipiens pattens .

  6. 设计简并引物,用RT-PCR的方法分别扩增抗体重链和轻链可变区基因cDNA文库。

    The cDNA gene library of VH and VL fragments were amplified by RT-PCR .

  7. 在PCR反应中,简并引物之间的浓度配比是影响扩增效率的关键。

    In the PCR reactions , the concentration ratio between the degenerate primers was essential for influencing amplification efficiency .

  8. Potyvirus属成员基因组全序列的简并引物PCR和RACE扩增方法

    Determination of Genome Sequence of Potyviruses by Degenerated PCR and RACE Methods

  9. 应用简并引物RT-PCR扩增锌指结构域筛选新基因

    Identification of New EST and Genes with Zinc Finger Motif by RT-PCR Using Degenerate Primers

  10. 用脱氧次黄苷(dI)替代简并引物中的高简并位点,可大幅度降低简并程度,显著提高扩增产物的特异性及扩增效率。

    Utilizing deoxyinosine ( dI ) can decrease degenerate degree and enhance the specificity of PCR products and amplification efficiency .

  11. 根据其它植物中ACC氧化酶基因的保守序列,设计合成一对简并引物;

    The double degenerate primers were designed by the homologous sequence of the ACC oxidase genes .

  12. 参考人SRY基因Hmgbox的保守区序列,设计一对简并引物,用PCR扩增了扬子鳄Sox基因的Hmgbox,并对PCR产物进行了亚克隆和测序。

    Bp fragments of Sox gene HMG box in Alligator sinensis were amplified by PCR , and then sub cloned and sequenced .

  13. 用Hox基因三对简并引物P1、P2和P3进行逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)。

    In the presence of Hox gene degenerate primers ( P1 , P2 , P3 ), RT-PCR was performed .

  14. 利用上述合成的简并引物,PCR扩增获得甘氨酸甜菜碱转运蛋白beth基因约1kb大小的片段。

    Depending on the degenerate primers which were designed according to the conserved amino acids of glycine betaine secondary transporter , a fragment about 1 kb was obtained by PCR .

  15. 采集的32个样品用双生病毒的简并引物PA和PB进行了PCR检测,均可扩增到约500bp的片段。

    32 samples were collected and confirmed to be infected by geminiviruses with PCR detection using universal primer pair PA / PB for the genus Begomovirus .

  16. 白纹伊蚊乙酰胆碱酯酶基因片段简并引物PCR、克隆及鉴定随机引物聚合酶链反应法鉴定2例无菌性脑炎的未知病毒

    Degenerate Primers Polymerase Chain Reaction Clone and Identification of the Acetylcholinesterase Gene Fragment from the Mosquito , Aedes albopictus ; Detection of Unknown Virus from 2 Case of Aseptic Meningitis Epidemic Using Random Primer PCR Assay

  17. 依据curcin的N端部分氨基酸设计简并引物,通过RT-PCR和5′-RACE技术从未成熟种子总RNA中克隆到curcin全长cDNA序列。

    Degenerate primers were designed based on the N-terminal partial sequence from purified curcin . The full-length curcin cDNA by RT-PCR and 5 ' - RACE was cloned .

  18. 提取分枝杆菌染色体DNA,设计简并引物,通过PCR扩增得到了甾酮C(1,2)位脱氢酶基因的部分片段,将其克隆在大肠杆菌中,对目的片段进行序列测定。

    The chromosome DNA of Mycobacterium sp. was extracted , and a pair of degenerate PCR primers was designed . The partial conserved gene of 3-ketosteriod-1-dehydrogenase in Mycobacterium sp.M1 was obtained by PCR with designed primers and cloned into Escherichia coli .

  19. 通过对已克隆△~9脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因的分析,合成一组简并引物,PCR扩增了被饱霉△9脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因的保守区。

    Conserved region of △ 9 fatty acid desaturase gene from Mortierella was cloned and sequenced through PCR using one group of degenerate primers designed on the basis of analysis of cloned A ' fatty acid desaturase Sequences .

  20. 根据已公布的Homeobox基因氨基酸序列保守区设计简并引物,利用PCR技术从内蒙古绒山羊血液基因组DNA中扩增Homeobox基因家族成员。

    According to the conservative amino acid sequences of announced homeobox genes , degenerate primers were designed . The homeobox gene fragments of Inner Mongolian cashmere goat were amplified by PCR .

  21. 采用简并引物逆转录聚合酶链反应(RTPCR)及随机引物随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)PCR比较分析噬菌体宿主谱改变时核酸序列组成的变化;

    Differences of nucleic acid sequence between phage f_2 and phage with broad host range with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) and random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) - PCR were also comparing and analysed .

  22. 首先通过该转运系统ATP结合蛋白氨基酸的保守序列设计简并引物一对,获得约560bp的部分核苷酸序列。

    Depending on the conserved amino acids of glycine betaine ABC transporter , a pair of degenerate primers were designed .

  23. 本研究通过对核苷酸序列的比较,设计了一对简并引物,利用PCR技术,建立了一种快速的筛选芽孢杆菌新的β-甘露聚糖酶编码基因的方法。

    A pair of degenerate primers was designed through homology analysis of the nucleotide sequence . A quick screening for novel gene coding for p-mannanase has been performed with PCR and the candidate novel genes encoding for p-mannanase can be deduced by sequence analysis .

  24. 根据抗病基因NBS-LRR保守序列不同区域设计4个简并引物,形成不同组合。

    The main results are as follows : Four oligonucleotide primers were designed based on the conserved NBS-LRR domain of R genes .

  25. 利用水稻双子房突变体为材料,设计简并引物,扩增类copia逆转座子中最保守的RT区域,得到了3个克隆片段。

    Three clones that related to the conservative reverse transcriptase ( RT ) domain of copia-like retrotransposons were amplified from the total DNA of a twin-ovary mutant .

  26. 2利用PrimerPremier5.0、oligo6.0等软件根据已报道的苹果、梨等果树和模式植物拟南芥相关基因的高度保守序列设计了简并引物。

    According to the reportes about highly conserved sequence of apple trees , pear trees or the other woody years plants and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana , the proper primers were designed by primer premier 5.0 and oligo 6.0 software .

  27. 根据丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶类抗病基因产物催化结构域Ⅰ和Ⅸ的氨基酸保守序列设计简并引物,PCR扩增番木瓜叶片基因组DNA和cDNA。

    Based on the conserved amino acid sequences of the catalytic domain ⅰ and ⅸ of the Serine / Threonine ( STK ) protein kinase-like disease resistance genes , the degenerated primers were designed and with which PCR was performed using genomic DNA and cDNA of papaya leaf as templates .

  28. 设计2对简并引物对其16SRRNA进行PCR扩增,16SRRNA序列及其进化树分析结果显示,该菌为约翰逊不动杆菌。

    Two pairs of primers were designed for PCR of its 16S rRNA . The sequence analysis results of 16S rRNA sequence with online software showed that the STR B belonged to Acinetobacter johnsonii , not a strain of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus .

  29. 【方法】根据荞麦胰蛋白酶抑制剂氨基酸的保守序列设计简并引物,采用RT-PCR和RACE技术,以荞麦cDNA为模板,扩增BTI基因并进行序列及其表达谱分析。

    [ METHOD ] Based on the amino acid information of trypsin inhibitor of buckwheat , degenerated primers were designed and a full-length cDNA sequence of BTI was amplified from cDNA by using RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE ) .

  30. 建立了一种简并引物PCR技术扩增多型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)DNA的方法,本方法至少可以特异地扩增HPV6,11,16,18及33。

    Abstract Established a sensitive and specific method which can amplify multiple types HPVs DNA by degenerate primers PCR technique . The technique specifically amplify five types HPV ( 6 , 11 , 16 , 18 , 33 ) at least , without no-specific amplification of human DNA .