
  • 网络management education;business education
  1. 各大学正开始尝试进入管理教育领域。

    Universities are dipping their toes in the waters of management education .

  2. 公司大学管理教育与大学MBA教育模式的比较

    Corporate university management education vs university business school MBA education

  3. ManagementGame(以下简称MG)是美国卡耐基·梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity,简称CMU)管理教育的一门颇具特色的综合性课程,侧重于商业运营的训练。

    Management Game ( short for MG ) is one of the management courses which is run by Carnegie Mellon University , and it is a comprehensive course that stressing on business operation training .

  4. 从空间特性的角度对高教园区中教育资源的种类和分布进行了分析,提出应用GIS的地图可视化和空间分析的方法来展示和管理教育资源,为园区来访者和园区管理者服务。

    It analyzes the categories and distribution of education resource in college district from the perspective of spatial characteristic , and suggests using GIS 's visual mapping and spatial analyzing capability to lay out and manage education resource in order to serve the need of campus visitors and administrators ;

  5. 特别对美国MIT大学的MOT项目的特点进行了详尽的分析,指出了MOT与MBA的差别,并展望了技术管理教育在我国的发展

    Then , the paper has analyzed the character of MOT of MIT , presented the difference between MOT and MBA . Finally , the paper conceived the prospect of technology management education in China . The Development of MOT Education Program in Foreign Countries and How China Responses

  6. 管理教育范式与模式的比较研究

    Comparative Research on The Paradigm and The Pattern of Management Education

  7. 危机管理教育探讨

    Discussion on Teaching of Crisis Management Course in Universities and Colleges

  8. 关于我国高等工业管理教育发展现状及问题的分析

    Higher Industrial Management Education in China : Development and Problems

  9. 历史、现状与未来:中国行政管理教育发展分析

    China 's Public Administration Education : Past , Present , and Future

  10. 医院科室经常性管理教育工作的现状与思考

    Day-to-Day Managerial and Educational Work in Hospital Departments : Present and Future

  11. 当前,管理教育与管理胜任力之间存在差异。

    There are some differences between Management education and management competency now .

  12. 美国华盛顿大学商学院管理教育的实证研究

    Case Study on Business Administration Education of University of Washington Business School

  13. 高等管理教育的案例教学法及课堂讨论

    Case Teaching Method in Higher Administration Education and Seminar

  14. 持续不卧床腹膜透析患者的自我管理教育

    Delivered to Patients Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

  15. 公共事务管理教育在台湾的发展

    Developments of Education on Public Affairs in Taiwan

  16. 体育院校研究生管理教育工作的现状与思考

    On working Current Situation And Pondering on Administering and Educating Postgraduates in Physical Education Institutes

  17. 均富与管理教育研究所一起合作完成了4个项目,有120名会计师参加了这些项目。

    Grant Thornton has completed four programmes with IFL and 120 accountants have taken part .

  18. 应该由谁来控制和管理教育。

    Who should govern and control education .

  19. 军队卫生管理教育的思考

    Study on Education of Military Health Administration

  20. 精神分裂症患者实施自我管理教育的探讨

    Self-control education to patients with schizophrenics

  21. 本研究以南京师范大学2000届至2004届的教育管理教育硕士143篇学位论文为研究对象。

    The study takes 143 theses from education administration masters of Nanjing Normal University as research objects .

  22. 随着公共管理教育的发展,案例教学越来越受到推崇。

    With the development of education in public administration , case teaching is more and more respected .

  23. 努力实现劳教场所管理教育工作质量评价的标准化

    Endeavoring to Realize the Standardization of Evaluating the Quality of the Administrative and Educational Work in Reeducation-through-labour Institutions

  24. 本文较为全面地考察了技术管理教育项目在全球的发展与演变过程。

    First , this paper has studied the process of development and evolution of technology management education project .

  25. 在我国高等管理教育中,已开始使用案例教学法。这是一种激发学生的参与意识和实际运作能力的新颖的教学方法。

    In the higher administration education of our country , the teachers begin to use case teaching method .

  26. 本文作者是管理教育认证机构——欧洲管理发展基金会首席执行官

    Prof Eric Cornuel is chief executive of the European Foundation for Management Development , the management education accreditation body

  27. 这为传统工商管理教育改革提供了方向和参考。

    In brief , we suggest that entrepreneurship education give the direction for the reformation of traditional administrative education .

  28. 研究结果显示,中国管理教育市场的年规模为5亿美元。

    The study concluded that the market for business education in China was valued at $ 500 million annually .

  29. 同样,商学院和高层管理教育课程都必须朝多元文化方向发展,并提供更多的海外学习机会。

    Business school and executive education programmes alike must become more multicultural and offer more " study abroad " initiatives .

  30. 管理教育与男女学生入学数量几乎相等的医学或法律等专业不同。

    Management education contrasts with fields such as medicine or law , which women are entering in roughly equal numbers to men .