
  • 网络pipe flange
  1. 标准管道法兰数据库系统的研究

    The Research on the Database System of Standard Pipe Flange

  2. 管道法兰数据库系统

    The system of date-base about pipe flange

  3. 根据用于管道法兰的美国非金属衬垫标准ANSIB16.21,需要能够延伸至法兰面边缘的全面衬垫。

    Full face gaskets extending to the flange face edge as given in American Standard Non-Metal Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ANSI B16.21 are required .

  4. 燃气管道法兰接口泄漏修复技术的研究

    Research on Gas Pipeline Flange Interface Leakage Repair Technology

  5. 国外压力容器及管道法兰设计技术研究进展

    Advances in abroad on technical research of flange design for pressure vessels and piping

  6. 空调系统&送风软管及管道法兰的保温各类罐体、设备的绝热保温及吸产降噪。

    HVAC system & Thermal insulation for the air duct and pipe system of HVAC .

  7. 平板式(对夹式):固定在两个管道法兰之间。安装容易,但是不能作为隔断阀使用。

    Wafer-style held in place between two pipe flanges . Easy to install but cannot be used as isolation valve .

  8. 台阶截面环件轧制作为火车轮、自行车圈、轴承环、管道法兰盘、管道联接件等部件的主要生产方式,应用极广。

    As train wheels , bike rims , bearing ring , piping flange tray and piping link piece etc , ring with outer stepped is applied widely .

  9. 该系列产品适用于不同温度、压力范围内的水蒸气、空气及油类等介质为主的设备、管道法兰连接所用的密封衬垫材料。

    It is used as the sealing on equipments , pipes , flanges contacting with the media such as water , air and oil at different temperature and pressure .

  10. 应用实例证明了该软件的实用性和易用性,初步实现了压力容器和管道法兰夹具设计的智能化。

    The application of this software has shown that it is simple and easy to apply . The intelligent pressure vessel and pipeline flange clamp design was achieved preliminarily .

  11. 针对压力容器和管道法兰带压密封夹具设计中存在的难点,以弯曲梁理论为基础,建立了法兰夹具力学模型,推导出了更接近实际的夹具强度计算公式。

    The mechanical model and recommendable strength calculation formula of flange clamp were proposed by the bent beam theory , according to the difficulty for flange clamp design on-line sealing in the pressure vessel and pipeline .

  12. 对压力管道法兰连接中螺栓的受力、预紧力的计算方法进行了分析,研究了垫片的密封性能,包括基本密封特性、压力-回弹特性、垫片的厚度和宽度效应。

    The calculation methods for stress and pre-tightening force of bolts in pressure piping flange connection are analyzed . The sealing performances of gaskets are studied including seal properties , pressure-resilience and effect of gasket thickness and width .

  13. 所建立的管道法兰数据库系统实现了国家标准管道法兰数据的查询与强度校核,在满足强度条件下优化法兰尺寸,在数据库中实现有限元强度校核的批处理

    The Date-base system of pipe flange achieve the inquiring and strength checking of date about national standard pipe flange , and optimize the flange 's dimensions if satisfied strength , and achieve the batch strength checking of FEA in Date-base

  14. 高,中,低管道,法兰密封。

    High , medium , low pipe , flange sealing .

  15. 螺栓库插入螺栓,螺母库拧紧螺母,通过两个机具的配合,从而实现管道的法兰自动连接。

    Through two tools with the Bolts Magazine inserted bolts , the Nuts Magazine tighten the nuts , thus realizing the pipeline flange connection .

  16. 论述FRP/塑料复合管道平面法兰的连接方式,同时对接头工艺设计进行了探讨。

    This paper describes the joining technology of FRP / plastics composite structure piper with plane flange , and the technology design of contact between FRP / plastics composite structure pipe and plane flange has been research .

  17. 密封件作为管道和设备法兰连接的主要元件,对密封起重要作用。

    Gasket is a major element which connects the pipe and flange .

  18. 尺寸和参数-管道螺纹,法兰,以及压力换算系数。

    Dimensions and References – Pipe Threads , Flanges , and Pressure Conversion Factors .

  19. 法兰垫圈与其它机械管道连接器或法兰垫圈互换。

    Flange gaskets are not interchangeable with other mechanical pipe couplings or flange gaskets .

  20. 管道另一端法兰不连接作,用于连接临时盲板制成的法兰盖。

    The other flange of the piping is kept free and is set to the tray 's flange with a temporary blind .

  21. 在管道工程中,法兰主要用于管子、泵、阀、压力容器及各种承压设备的连接。

    In the pipeline project , flanges are mainly used in the connection for pipes , pumps , valves , pressure vessels and pressure devices .

  22. 如果管道要联接到法兰上,必须以直线方向安装到法兰上,避免由于没有对准而对法兰产生压力。

    Piping runs joined to the flanges must be installed in a straight line position to the flange to avoid stress at the flange due to misalignment .

  23. 探讨了管道系统中管道、法兰密封面及阀门泄漏的原因,以及在配管设计和施工安装过程中避免泄漏的一些主要措施。

    The causes of leakage in piping system , which includes pipes , flange seal faces and valves , were discussed . Major preventive measures taken against the leakage of piping system in piping design , construction and assembly are introduced .

  24. 深水油气的开发需要进行海底管道的铺设,而深水法兰连接机具正是海底管道铺设的专用设备,其主要功能是进行海底管道的法兰连接。

    The pipes has to be laid during the exploitation of deepwater petroleum on the seabed , and the deepwater flange connecting tool is the specialized apparatus for the submarine pipeline laying , whose main function is connecting the flanges of the submarine pipes .

  25. 水下法兰连接机具是海底管道连接设备中的核心设备,主要用于连接管道法兰。

    Underwater flange connecting tools are the core equipments of underwater pipeline connection equipments , which are mainly used to connect pipeline flanges .