
  • 网络cooler
  1. 充气梁技术成功应用于篦冷机改造

    Successful Application of Aeration Beam on Grate Cooler Modification

  2. 从篦冷机卸出的熟料,链斗机送往熟料库顶。

    The clinker discharged from grate cooler will be transported by chain conveyor to the top of clinker silo .

  3. CCD比色测温系统在水泥篦冷机中的应用

    Application of temperature measurement system by CCD for cement cooler clinker

  4. 本文介绍一种基于CCD比色法的水泥篦冷机熟料温度场测量系统。

    This article introduces a measuring system of temperature field using CCD for cement cooler clinker .

  5. 基于CCD比色法测温原理,提出了一种篦冷机内流动熟料温度场测量方法,并设计了CCD篦冷机熟料温度场测量系统。

    This paper presented a method of measuring clinker temperature field in cement cooler , and designed the CCD temperature measurement system which is applied to cement cooler . After CCD takes a clinker picture in cement cooler , Radiant energy of clinker under two different wavelength was compared .

  6. 为解决传统热电偶测温法难以实现水泥篦冷机熟料温度场检测的问题,提出了一种基于CCD比色的温度场测量方法。

    In order to realize the measurement of temperature field in cement cooler which conventional measurement method such as thermocouple falls to do , a new method based on CCD colorimetric method was proposed in this paper . By selecting reasonable bandwidths , the measured clinker imaged on array CCD .

  7. 介绍了GMC脉喷型袋除尘器的工作原理和技术特点,同时分析了水泥生产过程中烘干设备、立窑、回转窑窑尾和篦冷机等扬尘点的高温烟气特点。

    This paper introduces the working principle and technical characteristics of GMC bag filter and analyzes the features of high temperature exhaust gas from several dust generating points such as drying machine , roller mill , preheater and cooler etc.

  8. 第三代篦冷机活动框架悬摆支撑的特点

    Pendulum Support Features of Movable Frame on Third Generation Grate Cooler

  9. 国产大型篦冷机技术发展的新台阶

    A new stage of technology development of China-made large scale coolers

  10. 水泥窑篦冷机活动篦板磨损失效分析

    The Wear Failure Analyzing of Movable Gates in Cement Kiln Coolers

  11. 篦冷机液压负载敏感比例速度控制系统建模

    Modeling of Hydraulic Load-reacting Proportional Regulating Speed Control System in Comb Cooler

  12. 蛇型运动篦冷机熟料冷却方法及流动规律研究

    Study on Cooling Method and Flow Law for Snake Movement Cooler Clinker

  13. 篦冷机机械流量调节器的设计方法研究

    Study on design method of cooler mechanical flow regulation

  14. 篦冷机篦床液压驱动比例速度控制系统

    A Hydraulic Proportional Velocity System for Cooler Bed Driving

  15. 篦冷机传动轴装置。

    Disclosed is a grate cooler drive shaft device .

  16. 篦冷机活动篦床的导向装置。

    Disclosed is a guiding mechanism of a grate cooler movable grate bed .

  17. 富勒型篦冷机的性能特点和技术改造

    Performance of Fuller grate cooler and the technical transformation

  18. 篦冷机调速的新方法

    A New Adjusting Speed Method of Grate Cooler

  19. 两种典型四代篦冷机的熟料推动单元功耗比较

    Comparison of Unit Energy Consumption for Clinker Transporting between Two Typic 4th Generation Cooler

  20. 篦冷机余风的冷却与多管冷却器的设计选型及应用

    Exhaust gas cooling from grate cooler and design , selection and application of multi-pipe cooler

  21. 首先介绍了预测控制算法的发展及特点,然后分析了篦冷机的主要性能及工作原理。

    The characteristic of predictive control based on grey model and the primary principle of the grate cooler is introduced .

  22. 通过实验测定,结果表明,该测量系统可以测量篦冷机熟料温度场的分布,满足篦冷机熟料温度场测量要求。

    Experiments show that this method can measure clinker temperature distribution and meet requirements for cement cooler clinker temperature field testing .

  23. 在篦冷机中,高温熟料与冷却风经过热交换,迅速反映为温度信息,即熟料的温度能够快速反映篦冷机内冷却过程的变化情况。

    In grate cooler , the heat exchange between high temperature clinker and cooling wind can reflect the change of temperature rapidly .

  24. 以渗流力学中的典型式厄贡方程为基础,建立篦冷机熟料层的流阻系数变化式,为流量调节器的设计提供参数依据。

    Based on classic equation of seepage mechanics , we developed the flow resistance coefficient changing expression for designing of the flow regulator .

  25. 本文在分析篦冷机堆雪人原因的基础上,阐述了三种预防篦冷机堆雪人的方法和四种处理篦冷机堆雪人措施。

    Based on the analysis of causes of making a snowman , Three kinds of precautions and four kinds of processes are put forward .

  26. 通过岩相分析和鉴定,探讨了某水泥厂篦冷机内熟料堆雪人的成因。

    According to determination and analysis of petrographic , the reason of " snowman " formation in a clinker cooler in a cement plant was discussed .

  27. 一种篦冷机的篦床密封结构,涉及一种用于水泥行业熟料冷却的篦冷机的篦床的改进结构。

    A grate seal structure of a grate cooler relates to an improved grate structure of the grate cooler used for clinker cooling in cement industry .

  28. 针对第二代篦冷机一些固有的缺陷,巢湖铁道水泥厂采用第三代篦冷机技术,对原609S-819S/809S&1025S型第二代篦冷机进行了改造并获成功。

    Aiming at some inherent limitation of the second generation , Chaohu Cement Plant successfully reconstructed 609S-819S / 809S-1025S generation II grate cooler by technology of generation III.

  29. 该系统也适应于2000t/d、4000t/d大型水泥生产线上对篦冷机的自动控制。

    This system could also be applied in the automatic control of the grate coolers in the large scaled cement production lines of 2000t / d and 4000t / d.

  30. 建立理想的熟料输送模型,以理想模型作为与其它各种篦冷机的比较对象,定义了描述熟料输送功耗的参数和描述熟料输送过程中扰动程度的参数。

    The ideal clicker conveyance model is established for comparison with other kinds of grant cooler . The parameters of energy waste in clicker conveyance and disturbance in conveying procedure are defined .