首页 / 词典 / good

  • book;record;registry;roll
  • 书,书册:古~。书~。经~。典~。

  • 登记隶属关系的簿册;隶属关系:~贯。户~。国~。学~。

  • 登记:~没(mò)。~吏民。

  • 征收:~田。

  • 〔~~〕a.形容纷扰很大;b.形容名声很大;c.形容纵横交错的样子。

  • 古代各种捐税的统称。


(书籍) book; record:

  • 典籍

    ancient codes [books] and records;

  • 古籍

    ancient books


(册子) registry; roll:

  • 户籍

    household [population] register


(籍贯) native place; home town; birthplace:

  • 回籍

    return to one's native place;

  • 祖籍

    the land of one's ancestors


(代表个人对国家、组织的隶属关系) membership:

  • 党籍

    party membership;

  • 国籍



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 籍福

    Ji Fu

  1. 地籍是记载辖区内每一地块的权属、权利人、界址、位置、用途、数量和质量等基本状况的籍册。

    Cadastre is a membership book to record the owner , rights , boundary , location , purpose , quantity and other basic conditions of each land .

  2. 船名,船籍港,吃水标志和载重线标志需修饰,重刷。

    Ship 's name , port of registry , draft marks and loadline marks to be dressed and repainted .

  3. 最后,他和他的导师一起被开除教籍。

    Eventually , he was excommunicated along with his mentor

  4. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。

    The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed .

  5. 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍

    It'says that under Canon Law , excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval .

  6. 我是中国籍。

    I am of Chinese nationality .

  7. 他也是哈佛法学评论中唯一一位非洲裔美国籍总统。

    At Harvard , he became the first African — American president of the Harvard Law Review .

  8. 广东籍汉族人系统性红斑狼疮患者补体C4遗传多态性分析

    Genetic polymorphism of complement C _4 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in Hans in Guangdong

  9. 瑞丽口岸出入境缅甸籍卡车司机中HIV新感染情况的调查

    Study on the New HIV-infection among Truck Drivers Entry-exit Burma at Ruili Port

  10. 不同国籍人员中韩国籍HBsAg阳性率最高为11.43%;

    The highest positive rate of HBsAg is Korea , it was 11.43 % .

  11. 土耳其籍塞浦路斯人口占五分之一,占南方GDP的三分之一。

    The Turkish Cypriot economy has about one-fifth the population and one-third the per capita GDP of the south .

  12. 在PCA分析图中,高浓度奶与低浓度奶被明显地区分,可以籍此来判别牛奶的浓度。

    High and low concentration milk could be discriminate obviously in plot of PCA analysis .

  13. 籍此开放流场的空间演化可由不同形式的PTA来描述。

    Spatial evolutions of open flows , subsequently , can be described by different PTAs .

  14. 籍助于温度场-相变-应力和应变的有限元分析方法(FEM),实现了复杂形状工件淬火过程的计算机模拟。

    Computer simulation on complicate shaped parts during quenching process has been realized by using FEM analysis of temperature field phase transformation-stress and strain .

  15. 广东经济籍CEPA增长效应分析

    On the Influence of CEPA in Guangdong 's Economic Growth

  16. 澳大利亚官员上周五获得对澳大利亚籍的胡士泰(SternHu)的领事探视权,他是被拘留的四名力拓员工之一。

    Australian officials yesterday gained consular access to one of the four Rio employees being held , Australian Stern Hu .

  17. 这位印度籍的银行家永远也不会批准2002年汇丰以90亿英镑收购美国次级抵押贷款商Household的那宗交易。

    The Indian banker would never in a million years have agreed to the £ 9bn takeover of Household , the US subprime lender it bought in2002 .

  18. 基于RDBMS的空间数据管理模型及在土地产权产籍系统中的实现

    A Model for Spatial Data Management Based on RDBMS and Its Implementation in Land Registration

  19. 籍以阐明硒对K562细胞凋亡的作用机理。进一步讨论硒在抗肿瘤治疗中的意义。

    So as to clarify Selenium is relate with K562 apoptosis , discuss Selenium is important in anti - tumor treatment .

  20. 目的研究广东籍汉族泛发型白癜风患者与HLA-DR的相关性。

    Objective To study the HLA-DR genotypes in generalized vitiligo patients of Han Nationality in Guangdong .

  21. 希望籍此呼吁热爱索沛CS的朋友,如果您有一定经济能力的话,赞助一下索沛。

    Would like to take calls love sorpack CS friends , if you have certain economic capacity to do so , sponsors look sorpack .

  22. 目的:对168例广东籍男婴葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺陷者进行G6PD基因突变型研究。

    Objective : To analyze G6PD gene mutation in 168 Cantonese G6PD deficient male infants .

  23. 苏格兰籍的英国财政部首席秘书丹尼亚历山大(dannyalexander)在一次讲话中,谈到了相关影响。

    A speech by Danny Alexander , the Scottish Chief Secretary to the UK Treasury , brings out the implications .

  24. 对465例喉癌患者及1452名河南籍健康人的ABO血型进行了分析比较。

    The ABO blood types were compared between 465 patients with laryngeal cancer and 1452 normal individuals in Henan Province .

  25. BK病毒(BKV)DNA籍钙沉淀技术感染293细胞。

    By using the calcium precipitation technique , 293 cells were infected by the BK virus ( BKV ) DNA .

  26. 籍此解决了对RM码实施的小数逻辑译码算法的可行性问题。

    On the basis of these works , the feasibility problem of implementing minority-logic decoding algorithm for RM codes is solved .

  27. 目的探讨皖籍汉族人抗原肽处理相关运载体(TAP)等位基因多态性及与类风湿关节炎(RA)的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the relation between the polymorphism of transporter associated with antigen processing ( TAP ) genes and rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) in Anhui Hansman .

  28. 目的:检查老龄和青年大鼠睾丸间质组织中tau蛋白和微管结合蛋白的表达情况,籍此评价老龄大鼠睾丸衰退的发生机制。

    Objective : To examine the expression of the tau protein and microtubule-associated proteins in the testis interstitium of aged and young rats .

  29. 瑞典籍的前联合国(UN)秘书长达格•哈马舍尔德(DagHammarskj&246;ld)不幸在飞机失事中丧生之前,也和我一起钓了10年的鱼。

    Dag Hammarskj & # 246 ; ld , the Swedish UN secretary-general , fished with me for 10 years before he died in that plane crash .

  30. 以多层前馈神经网络为基本结构,以误差逆传播算法(BP算法)为网络的训练方法,籍助VC语言建立了切削力预报程序;

    Feed-forward multi-layer neural networks , trained by the error back-propagation algorithm are used . The predicting cutting force program based on neural network by using Oriented-Object language Visual C + + has been built up .
