
  • 网络mi fu;mifu
  1. 详细探讨米芾书法笔法及其在手札创作中的应用。

    Second , Mi Fu calligraphy and his letters on writing applications .

  2. 米芾手札对当代书法创作的启示。

    Third , Mi Fu letters give inspiration of contemporary calligraphy creation .

  3. 山骨隐显,林梢出没,意趣高古。(米芾《画史·唐画》)

    The structure of the mountains is hidden and revealed , the branches of trees emerge and disappear , and the mood is lofty and antique .

  4. 而这些,正是具有同样豪迈性格的米芾所需要的。

    And these , with the same heroic character is vertical brushstrokes are required .

  5. 在宋以后的书法史上,作为宋四家之一的米芾无疑是一位举足轻重的人物。

    The calligraphy history after Song Dynasty , Mi Fu is a pivotal figure .

  6. 略谈米芾及其书法作品

    MI Fu and His Calligraphy Works

  7. 从米芾、徐渭书画艺术透视其审美意趣

    On MI Fu 's and XU Wei 's Aesthetic Interest from Their Calligraphic and Painting Art

  8. 略论宋代书法美学精神影响下的米芾及其书法艺术观

    On Mi Fu and His Calligraphy Art View under the Influence of the Aesthetic Spirit of the Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty

  9. 里面收集了米芾部分的书画原作,论著等,是中国收藏较丰富的纪念性馆藏。

    Mi Fu collected inside part of the original painting , on the other , is more extensive collection of commemorative collection .

  10. 如米芾的画作,水墨点点,视为戏作,是作者随意、自然、不蹈故常的心态写照。

    Such as Mi Fu 's painting , ink little bit , as for drama , the author is free , of course , not dancing portrayal of the mentality of Guchang .

  11. 第三、以米芾为标志的北宋晚期,绘画影响书法初显端倪,墨法是它影响书法的切入点。

    The third is Chinese painting began to influence calligraphy in the late North Song Dynasty , first symbolized by Mi Fu , and the ink technique is the starting point of its influence .

  12. 有时案前视线中放一本米芾的字帖,脑中浮想的是日本的俳句,写下的却是独字或无字了。

    Sometimes in front of the table displays the cursive script of Mi Fu , while in the head emerges Japanese Haiku , but what finally written down is just a single character or even none character .

  13. 其书画作品今虽未见,但作为米芾传人之一,在宋金艺术传递过程中发挥的作用亦不可低估。

    Meanwhile , the role he played as a trailblazer in the field of arts should not be underestimated due to the fact that he was one of the foremost exponents of Mi Fu , though his own works of calligraphy and painting are yet to be unearthed .