
  • 网络rump;topside;Cheryl Milone;Giorgio Mirone
  1. 底米龙的密度虽与铅制防护衣几乎不相上下,却可轻易曲、弄皱与摺叠。

    Though nearly as dense as the material in lead-based shielding vestments , Demron readily bends , creases and folds .

  2. 他表现不错,在某种程度上说,恐怕拉涅利不会再尝试阿尔米龙与蒂亚戈的搭档了。

    It was a fine display , and in a way , he confirmed the impression that Ranieri should not employ Almiron and Tiago at the same time .

  3. 当α与β粒子撞及底米龙时,会受盐类原子中的电子影响而偏折并减速,随之被布料吸收。

    When alpha and beta particles strike demron , intervening electrons in the salt atoms deflect and slow them down , whereupon they are absorbed into the material .