
fěn méi
  • pulverized coal;powdered coal
粉煤[fěn méi]
  1. 提出了一种以铁矿粉、粉煤、空气和一部分氧为原料,将熔矿还原反应和CO燃烧加热熔池分别在反应器两室内同时进行的炼铁装置。

    The authors propose an ironmaking set-up , in which using fine ore , powdered coal , air and oxygen in part as the raw materials , the reduction of smelting ore and combustion of carbon monoxide simultaneously carried out in two separated chambers .

  2. 日本高炉粉煤喷吹技术

    Powdered coal injection into blast furnace in Japan

  3. 粉煤流化床燃烧中N2O的生成特性

    N_2O Production Characteristics in Pulverized Coal Fluidized Bed Combustion

  4. 试验结果说明粉煤次、矿粉B以及复合粉煤灰作为辅助胶凝材料能够极大地提高混凝土的耐久性能。

    The results show that fly ash , mineral admixtures and composite fly ash as CRM can increase concrete durability highly .

  5. 重点对Texaco水煤浆加压气化和Shell粉煤加压气化工艺及设备进行了对比。

    Process and equipment comparison is made between Texaco and Shell .

  6. 粉煤和石灰石加入位置对循环流化床燃煤过程NOx与N2O排放的影响

    Effect of Coal and Limestone Addition Position on Emission of NO_x and N_2O during Coal Combustion in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor

  7. 粉煤流化床(PCF-FBC)燃烧特性的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Combustion Characteristics of Pulverized-Coal Fluidized Bed

  8. Shell粉煤加压气化装置首次开车应注意的问题低水气比耐硫变换新工艺在Shell粉煤气化装置上的工业应用

    ATTENTIONS FOR FEEDING DURING FIRST-TIME STARTUP OF SHELL POWDERED COAL PRESSURED GASIFICATION Industrial Use of New Process of Low Water-Gas Ratio Shift Conversion with Sulfur-Resistant Catalyst in Shell Pulverized Coal Gasifier

  9. O2/CO2粉煤燃烧技术可以对O2流量进行控制,使得不同质量的煤都得到充分燃烧。

    O2 / CO2 pulverized coal combustion technology can control O2 flow , allowing for full combustion of different quality of coal .

  10. 作为一种被称为“粉煤”(pulverisedcoal)的焦煤品种的领先出口商,麦克阿瑟从煤价不断上涨中受益匪浅。

    MacArthur , which is the leading exporter of a coking coal variety known as pulverised coal , has benefited from rising coal prices .

  11. 若在一定条件下得到粉煤挥发份的最终产量V∞,则可用该模型预示任何煤种的挥发份析出过程。

    If the final volatile yield , V ∞ is determined under certain conditions , the devolatilization processes of fine particles for any coal type can be predicted by using the present model .

  12. 同时,介绍了目前在国际上尚未见报道的以CO2为粉煤输送介质进行气化反应的合成气成分。

    In addition , the product gas composition using CO2 as carrier gas of pulverized coal instead of N2 is presented , which has never before been reported in the world .

  13. 从技术开发、工艺流程、煤化工上的应用等方面对Shell粉煤加压气化技术和新型气流床粉煤加压气化技术加以介绍。

    From the viewpoints of technical development , process flow path and use in coal chemicals , an introduction is given to the technology of shell pulverized coal gasification under pressure and that of the new GSP process .

  14. 介绍了采用粉煤纯氧气化同水电解制氢,达到CO2零排放的煤制甲醇大型装置单元组合;

    Using pulverized coal pure oxygen gasification and producing hydrogen by water electrolysis were introduced , to reach an unit combination of large-sized plant of methanol produced by coal with a zero discharge of CO_2 ;

  15. 采用动力学方程式,针对某厂Shell粉煤加压气化工艺条件,设计了动力学模型,对变换反应的分段问题,特别是第一段反应器反应深度的控制问题进行了研究和讨论;

    By using dynamic equation , in allusion to Shell pulverized coal pressure gasification process conditions , dynamic model was designed , the study & discussion were made for stage problem of shift reaction , especially for control problem for reaction depth of first stage reactor ;

  16. 粉煤流化床(PC-FB)燃烧的NO生成与排放控制特征

    NO Production and Emission Control Characteristics in Pulverized Coal Fluidized Bed Combustion

  17. 运行参数对粉煤流化床(PC-FB)燃烧效率的影响

    The Effect of Operation Parameters on the Combustion Efficiency of a Pulverized-coal Fluidized Bed

  18. 在给料罐压力相对稳定和通气良好的条件下,通过无量纲参数Fr建立粉煤流动稳定性判据,揭示管中气速与流动稳定性的关系。

    Under the condition of the steady pressure and good aeration , the criterion of flow stability was established through non-dimensional parameter Fr , which reflected the relationship between flow stability and gas velocity .

  19. 概述以无烟粉煤为原料,添加有机复合粘结剂MJ_3&MJ_4,制取化肥厂造气用型煤的新成型技术以及型煤在Φ2.26米造气炉上进行气化工业性试验的结果。

    This paper introduces the new briquetting technology for the fertilizer gasification briquette and industrial gasification test results of the briquette in Φ 2.26m gasifier . This kind of briquette is made from anthracite fine coal and organic composite binders .

  20. 本文研究以Na2SiO3为激发剂的粉煤灰渣-碱胶结料(简称FKJ)的反应机理和水化产物。

    In this paper , the study of the reactive mechanism and hydrate products of the fly ash slag & alkali cementitious material ( namely FKJ ), Which Na_2SiO_3 is taken as an activator is stressed .

  21. 在30kW的循环流化床(CFB)上进行3种煤的燃烧实验,考察了粉煤和脱硫剂加入位置、分级燃烧以及空气过剩系数对NOX和N2O排放的影响。

    The effects of coal and limestone addition at different positions on NOx and N2O emissions from a 30 kW scale coal-fired circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) were investigated . Both staging combustion and excess air number were studied in this paper .

  22. 通过配制C25~C55大掺量粉煤灰白密实混凝土,进一步验证该产品的高性能特点。

    Simultaneity , the application for preparing self-compacting concrete ( SCC ) from C25 to C55 with a high volume of fly ash validate the high performance of product .

  23. 以粉煤加压气流床气化技术的密相输送系统为应用背景,在实验室搭建的50mm内径水平管煤粉密相输送装置进行实验研究。

    Based on the application of dense-phase pneumatic conveying system in pressured entrained flow gasification of pulverized coal , an industrial-scale horizontal ( 50mm I.D. ) dense phase pneumatic conveying system in laboratory was investigated .

  24. 采用中子扩散理论计算了插入型中子计的粉煤水分响应,该中子计由点中子源(241Am-Be)和面探测器(Li玻璃)组成。

    The moisture response of the powder coal using an insert-type neutron gauge is calculated with the neutron diffusion theory . The neutron gauge is composed of a point neutron source ( ~ 241Am-Be ) and a disk type detector ( Li glass scintillator ) .

  25. 提出了一种新型高效、清洁煤燃烧方法,即粉煤流化床燃烧(PCF-FBC),并在一个热输入为0.3MW的试验装置上进行了热态试验研究。

    Abstract A new way of highly efficient clean combustion of pulverized coal , i. e.pulverized coal fluidized bed combustion ( PCF-FBC ) has been proposed , and hot state tests performed on a test rig , the hot state input of which is 0.3 MWt .

  26. 根据京西粉煤的特点,先后在实验室内研制出3种新的成型粘结剂,即煤矸石和MJ5组成的复合粘结剂;

    Three kinds of new binders for briquetting of Jingxi fine coal have been developed in laboratory . They are : ( a ) compound binder of coal waste and MJ5 ;

  27. 从气化炉结构、煤气流动方向、氧气纯度和原料粉煤细度等方面对Prenflo和Shell2种煤气化工艺进行了区别和对比。

    Distinguishing and comparing for two kinds of Prenflo / Shell coal gasification processes were made from aspects of gasifier structure , coal gas flow direction , oxygen purity and thick lager pulverized coal granularity etc.

  28. 在小氮肥厂以无烟粉煤加入HM-3粘结剂,制成气化型煤,检测其冷、热态抗压强度、落下强度,型煤性能优于目前工业上使用的石灰碳化煤球。

    The properties of gasification briquette , which is made from fine anthracite mixed with HM-3 adhesive , is better than that of lime carbonizing briquette currently used in small fertilizer plant in respect of compressive strength in cool and heat state and falling strength .

  29. 针对新型高效、清洁煤燃烧方式,即粉煤流化床(PC-FB),在一座03MW的试验台上,系统而详细地研究了PC-FB炉膛空间烟气温度的分布特性。

    Pulverized coal fluidized bed ( PC-FB ) combustion pertains to a new type of efficient clean coal combustion method . Presented in this paper are the results of a study concerning the flue gas temperature distribution characteristics in a PC-FB furnace .

  30. 粉煤加压气化装置仪表系统设计

    Instrument System Design in the Pressure Gasification Plant of Pulverized Coal