
  • 网络mealybug
  1. 此外,在广泛收集资料的基础上,列出了世界竹类植物上的粉蚧名录。

    In addition , based on the extensive collection of data , it has listed the names of mealybugs on bamboos all over the world .

  2. 根部粉蚧的控制是在土壤喷洒杀虫剂时完成的

    Control of root mealy bugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an insecticide .

  3. 蚁粉蚧栖居为害枇杷根部,并与隔担子菌Septobasidiumsp.共生。根部受害结果导致村势衰弱、减产,若无适当防治措施,植株经3~4年后死亡。

    Living in the root of loquat host plant and existing in association with Septobasidium sp. , the pest attackes the root , weakening the loquat tree , resulting in reduced fruit production and the death of the tree after 3-4 years .

  4. 从持续作用和控制效果比较,散放幼虫较好,且以瓢虫幼虫与粉蚧雌成虫益害比为2:5时对湿地松粉蚧的控制效果最好。

    The best control effect was gained when the predator was released with the ratio of predator : prey as2:5 .

  5. 扶桑绵粉蚧隐存谱系的发现对于该物种的分子鉴定及其入侵生态学研究具有重要意义。

    The discovery of the cryptic lineages in P.solenopsis complex is helpful for its accurate identification and the future research in its invasion ecology .

  6. 粉蚧为害主要导致新梢树皮蛋白质、粗灰分含量明显增加,还原糖含量明显减少;

    The concentration of protein and crude ash in bark of current twigs of the damaged trees increased , but the concentration of reducing sugar decreased .