
  • 网络Farinograph;Brabender;JFZD
  1. 粉质仪参数要重视弱化度的重要性;在面包加工品质中吹泡仪参数应以W值为主。

    Much attention should be paid to the degree of softening in Farinograph , and the W value is the most important parameter in Alveograph for bread baking . 4 .

  2. 电子式粉质仪在小麦品质控制方面的应用

    Application of Electronic Farinograph on the control of wheat quality

  3. Na2CO3、K2CO3及其二者的混合物分别以不同的添加量添加到面粉中,通过Brabendar粉质仪、拉伸仪的测定,了解它们对面团品质特性的影响。

    Na2CO3 、 K2CO3 and the two blends were added into wheat flour in different properties to understand the influence of the dough quality properties .

  4. 小麦品质检测仪器&电子式粉质仪和拉伸仪的性能分析

    Performance of Electron Type Powder and Drawing Instrument for Wheat Quality Detecting

  5. 蛋白质性状中,多数拉伸仪、粉质仪参数的变异系数都在40%或60%以上;

    The variation coefficients of most protein traits were above 40 % or 60 % .

  6. 除了水的吸收,粉质仪图谱的形状也用于描述面粉的特性。

    In addition to the water absorption , the shape of the farinogram is used to characterize a flour .

  7. 蛋白质、面筋、沉降值、粉质仪图和拉伸仪图是反映小麦烘焙品质的指标,提出了强力麦的质量标准。

    Were the indicatrixes of reflecting baking quality of wheat . We suggested quality criterion of wheat of strong gluten .

  8. 粉质仪参数&形成时间、稳定时间和评价值偏低,面团流变学特性差。

    Farinogram-development time , stability time and valorimeter value were generally low , and dough theological properties were not very perfect .

  9. 变异系数为1018%~10113%,其中粉质仪参数的变异系数均在70%以上。

    Coefficients of variations for protein traits were 10 18 % ~ 101 13 % , and were more than 70 % for farinogram parameters .

  10. 粉质仪是根据面粉的流变学特性,测试小麦粉品质的专用仪器设备。

    E-farinograph ( the short for electronic Farinograph ) is the special instrument for testing flour quality using electronic measuring system , according to the rheological properties of flour .

  11. 借助现代国际标准仪器设备&粉质仪、拉伸仪、糊化粘度仪和流变仪,研究了多种品质改良剂,得到一个较理想的面条改良剂配方。

    A ideal modifier formula was designed with various quality modifiers produced by the help of the modern international standard apparatus such as farinometer , extensometer , viscosimeter and rheometer .

  12. 烘烤品质的测定通常需要比较昂贵的仪器,如:粉质仪、拉伸仪、和面仪等,这些仪器难以在各育种单位普及。

    Measuring of breadmaking quality usually needs expensive instruments such as Extensograph , Mixograph and Farinograph etc. Therefore , the wide utilization of these instruments is difficult for most breeding departments .

  13. 本文利用灰色关联分析方法对15个小麦品种的蛋白质与若干加工品质性状、沉淀值与粉质仪测定值、不同氨基酸与蛋白质的关系进行了研究。

    The relations between protein content and processing quality characters , sedimentation value and farinogram values , and amino acid contents and protein content were studied for five Wheat varieties by using Grey Relational Grade Analysis Technique .

  14. 结果表明,面筋含量对卷饼产品品质有显著的正面影响,粉质仪形成时间、稳定时间和拉伸阻力与卷饼的内部结构、弹韧性和质量总评分呈现显著的正相关。

    The results showed that gluten content had positively important effect on the quality of the tortilla products . The toughness and internal texture of the products were correlated positively with the development time , stability time , and extension resistance of flour .

  15. GB/T14614-1993小麦粉吸水量和面团揉和性能测定法粉质仪法

    Method for determination of water absorption of wheat flour and rheological properties of doughs using a farinograph

  16. 对85份小麦试样的粉质质量指数(FQN)、评价值和粉质仪的其它测试参数之间的相关关系进行了研究。

    The correlation between Farinogram Quality Number ( FQN ), Evaluation value and other parameters determined with Farinograph has been studied using 85 wheat samples .