
cū xuǎn
  • roughing
粗选[cū xuǎn]
  1. 在原矿含TiO216.61%的情况下,采用一次粗选的流程后,得到了TiO2品位在26%左右,回收率为60~66%的粗精矿指标。

    In the situation of TiO_2 grade 16 . 61 % in the smelting iron slag , if only one roughing , the rough concentrate containing about 26 % TiO_2 with a recovery of 60 ~ 66 % can be obtained .

  2. 攀枝花选钛厂粗选工艺的研究

    Study on the roughing process in Panzhihua titanium dressing plant

  3. 经过一次粗选、一次精选,槽内产品实现回收率(以Al2O3计)75.03%,铝硅比10.66。

    Recovery ( Al2O3 ) of the product in the tank amounts to 75.03 % , A / S 10.66 .

  4. AF黏度较低,具有良好的选择性,能较大幅度地提高铋粗选精矿品位。

    AF which has low viscosity and fine selectivity , can raise the Bi grade to a large extent of roughing concentrate .

  5. 粗选是浮选流程的起始环节,其矿浆的pH值直接反映磨机中碳酸钠的添加量,对后面各个流程的药剂添加量、精矿及尾矿品位都有重要影响。

    Rougher flotation is the beginning of flotation . The pH value of its slurry directly reflects sodium carbonate addition in mill . At the same time , it has significant impact on reagents addition of other processes , concentrate and tailings grade .

  6. 文章介绍了栅极介电层厚度减小带来的影响,栅极SiO2介电层的高K氧化物材料的要求和粗选,并对近期高介电常数氧化物材料的研究状况作了简要的介绍和评述。

    In this paper we describe how the properties of MOSFETs are affected when the SiO 2 layer thickness decreases , indicate the requirements and choice of alternative high-K oxide materials , and give an overview of recent research activities .

  7. 研究表明,采用SHS为调整剂、以BK-12S为捕收剂、以PG为起泡剂,经两次粗选、三次精选、一次扫选流程,可以取得较好的浮选分离指标。

    These results indicate that we can get the satisfied flotation separation index through two stage rougher flotation , three stage cleaning and one stage scavenging when we use the follow reagents : SHS regulator , BK-12S collector and PG frother .

  8. 残坡积型钛铁矿砂矿粗选工艺的研究

    Study on the rough concentration process for the residual ILMENITE PLACER

  9. 二段一次粗选、二次扫选、三次精选;

    The secondary stage one roughing , two scavenging , three cleaning .

  10. 反流筛系我国独创的石棉矿石分选设备,它不仅在石棉选矿厂用于粗选、精选除尘、除砂,而且还可用于石棉制品厂原料加工的净化除砂、尘。

    The Anti-flow screen equipment is used for concentrating asbestos in our country .

  11. 回转针筒式圆型针织机旋转圆筒筛式粗选机

    Revolving needle-cylinder machine rotary screen type precleaner

  12. 优化攀枝花选钛厂粗选流程及其设备的研究

    Study on the optimization of a roughing flowsheet and relevant equipment in Panzhihua Titanium Benefication Plant

  13. 重力式粗选风力分级机风力:利用风的能量来产生动力。

    Gravitational roughing air classifier Wind power : Use of the energy in winds to produce power .

  14. 旋转圆筒筛式粗选机

    Rotary screen type precleaner

  15. 速度为节的猛烈的风;风力级(蒲福风力等级)。重力式粗选风力分级机

    A strong wind moving 45-90 knots ; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale . gravitational roughing air classifier

  16. 在完成上下游合作伙伴的粗选之后,以零售商满意度最大化为目标建立了供应链联盟伙伴选择模型,据此选择出最理想的供应链联盟伙伴的组合。

    A model is built to choose supply chain alliance partner combination that can maximize the satisfaction of retailers .

  17. 铌钽粗选尾矿采用浮选流程获得可供工业用的锂云母精矿、长石精矿和石英精矿。

    Tailings from Nb-Ta roughing is processed in a flotation circuit to obtain commercial lepidolite , feldspar and quartz concentrates .

  18. 天然白钨矿粗选后的精矿中仍存在有大量的细粒萤石、方解石等脉石矿物。

    Many gangue minerals such as fine grained fluorite and calcite still exist in the natural scheelite after rough concentration .

  19. 粗选设备设计选用了浮选柱代替常规浮选机,大幅度降低了生产成本。

    Routine flotation-cell is replaced by Column flotation in coarse-flotation circuit , and cost of product is reduced in great extent .

  20. 使本矿石中细粒嵌布的那部分铜矿物在粗选前单体解离是提高选矿指标的关键。

    The part of the fine disseminated copper being monomer dissociation before the roughing is the key to improve the separation index .

  21. 广泛适应于各种纸浆的粗选、精选及纸机前浆料的筛选,属于外流筛。

    Widely used in all kinds of rough picking of pulp , choiceness and paper machine screen , belongs to drain screen .

  22. 结果表明,经一次粗选、二次精选选别,可获稀土精矿品位52%。

    The results show that a rare-earth concentrate with a grade of 52 % can be obtained by one roughing and two cleanings .

  23. 提出对于建立普通交易关系的供应商,在进行粗选以后对满足要求的备选供应商运用招投标法进行选择;

    And those suppliers who we don 't need to build partnership relation with should been chosen by way of bid after selecting roughly .

  24. 分析了新疆某钼矿的矿石性质,进行了粗选条件试验,对比研究了一段磨矿、一段再磨和二段再磨工艺。

    The ore property of a Molybdenum Mine in Xinjiang was analyzed , and then the condition tests for rough separation were carried out .

  25. 指出粗选回收率低的主要原因,一是磨矿粒度较粗,二是分级机效率低,产生过磨;

    The reason why the recovery efficiency of roughing is low is that the grinding size is thicker and the efficiency of classifiers is low ;

  26. 某铋锌铁多金属矿选矿工艺试验研究Ⅱ:锌粗选工艺参数优化试验研究

    The test research for processing certain multi-metal ore containing bi , Zn and Fe ⅱ: the test research for optimizing processing parameter of Zn roughing

  27. 对某铋锌铁多金属矿的铋粗选工艺进行了系统的参数优化试验研究。

    The test research to optimize processing parameters had been carried out systemically for Bi roughing of certain multi-metal ore containing Bi , Zn and Fe .

  28. 目前,经粗选后的累托石粗精矿纯度只有70%左右,产品应用范围受限。

    At present , after preliminary mineral processing , the purity of rectorite is only about 70 % . It has limited the application of product .

  29. 通过选矿试验研究,探索提高钼矿石粗选回收率的方法,为生产服务。

    By means of mineral processing experiment and study , the ways of improving roughing recovery efficiency of molybdenum was explored , and serviced for production .

  30. 采用SLon&1500型立环脉动高梯度磁选机代替原流程中的离心选矿机粗选作业,获得铁精矿品位提高0.66个百分点,尾矿品位降低5.71个百分点。

    SLon & 1500 vertical ring and pulsating high gradient magnetic separator was used to replace the centrifugal machine in the roughing operation of the original flowsheet .