
  • 网络atheroma
  1. 动脉硬化是由于脂肪沉积在动脉血管内壁上形成动脉粥样斑而造成的。

    Atherosclerosis is characterized by fatty deposits called plaque that form on the inner walls of arteries .

  2. 实验组冠状动脉口形成粥样斑和脂肪肝的例数比对照组多,相差显著(P<0.05)。

    The number of atherosclerotic plaque of coronary arterial orifice and of the fatty liver in experimental animals showed larger tian that of the control animals ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 家兔高胆固醇性动脉硬化时血清C3的变化及C3、IgG在粥样硬化斑中的沉积

    The Change of Serum C_3 and Plaque Deposition of C_3 and IgG in the Atherosclerosis Induced by Cholesterol Diet in Rabbits

  4. 在动脉壁沉积可形成假粥样硬化斑;

    In artery wall causes pseudo - plaque of atherosclerosis ;

  5. 壁冠状动脉本身并不易发生粥样硬化斑,而其近段,粥样硬化斑的发生率可高达86%,明显高于壁内段及远段冠状动脉。

    In the proximal of the mural coronary arteries , the prevalences of the atherosclerotic plaques reaches as high as 86 % , significantly higher than the MCA and the distal segment .
