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  • 网络grain and oil crops
  1. 我国主要蔬菜和粮油作物的砷含量与砷富集能力比较

    Comparison of concentrations and bioconcentration factors of arsenic in vegetables , grain and oil crops in China

  2. 甘肃高寒阴湿区临夏县主要粮油作物适宜新品种筛选研究

    Studies on Selecting for New Varieties of Main Grain and Oil Crops Adapted to Chilling and Humid Region of High-elevation in Linxia County of Gansu

  3. 在实验浓度0-0.5mg/mL范围内,3种黑色粮油作物的种皮提取物对O2-·、·OH和H2O2均有不同程度的清除作用,并呈现量效关系;

    Within the experimental concentration range of 0 ~ 0.5mg / mL , the three black crop seeds can scavenge O2 - · , · OH , and H2O2 at varying degree , showing dose effect relation .

  4. 赖氨酸液肥在主要粮油作物上的施用效果

    Effects of lysine liquid fertilizer on main crops of grain and coleseed

  5. 近红外漫反射光谱法对粮油作物品质无损分析的研究

    Study on non-invasive analysis for crop quality using near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

  6. 大豆是我国的重要粮油作物之一。

    Soybean is one of the most important food and oil crops .

  7. 3种黑色粮油作物种皮提取物体外抗氧化活性研究

    Study on the in vitro antioxidative activities of three black pericarp crops'seed shell extracts

  8. 三种黑色粮油作物种皮提取物体的体外抗氧化作用比较

    Comparing the Antioxidation in Vitro of Seed Pericarp Extracts of Black Cereal and Oil Crops

  9. 上海地区粮油作物生育期的农业气候条件分析

    Analysis of agroclimatic conditions in growth period of some food and oil crops in Shanghai suburbs

  10. 提高作物复种指数是保障我国粮油作物安全供应的重要举措。

    To improve the crop cropping index is an important measure to ensure the grain and oil safety supply .

  11. 福建主要粮油作物测土配方施肥指标体系研究Ⅲ.区域施肥模型及其推荐施肥

    Soil testing and fertilization indices for major grain and oil crops in Fujian ⅲ . models and recommendations for regional fertilization

  12. 闽东南耕地土壤有效硫含量及主要粮油作物硫肥效应

    Effect of sulphur on the main cereal and oilseed crops and cultivated soil available S status in the southeast of Fujian

  13. 四川粮油作物杂交种质量现状分析及管理对策研究

    Analyses on the Current Status of Seed Purity in Main Grain and Oil Crop Hybrids in Sichuan Province and Studies on the Management Countermeasures

  14. 近10年来,夏季大小洪涝灾害平均2年一遇,农业生产损失巨大,加之近年大宗农产品收购价格下调,种植传统的棉粮油作物效益下降。

    Flooding disaster happened often in last ten years , the lost was tremendous and the price of grain crop was reduced , so the benefits from traditional agricultural production was very low .

  15. 大豆是重要的粮油作物,在农业和经济中具有重要地位,因此对大豆基因的研究具有重要的意义。

    Soybean is an important crop for food and oil , and it has a great influence on agriculture and economy , in which , the study of soybean functional genes plays an important role .

  16. 分别采用自由基对荧光试剂的氧化消光法和生物化学发光法对黑米、黑大豆、黑玉米3种黑色粮油作物种皮提取物进行体外总抗氧化能力和清除自由基作用的比较研究。

    The antioxidation capacity in vitro and scavenging free radical capacity of seed pericarp extracts of black rice , black soybean and black corn was compared by means of oxidative extinction of free radical acting on fluorescence regent and biological chemiluminescence .

  17. 通过对2004年夏收粮油作物、秋收粮食作物生长期间的光热水、农作物生长情况和气象灾害发生程度等农业气候条件的分析,得出2004年为偏丰年景。

    The year 's harvest of 2004 is considered an abundant year by analyzing the agricultural climatic condition including light , temperature and precipitation in growth period of grain and oil crops , growth situation of crops and occurrence of meteorological disaster .

  18. 黑色粮油作物作为我国的优异的特色作物品种资源,其种皮富含天然花色苷类化合物,有较好的着色效果及抗氧化等生理活性功能,是开发天然抗氧化活性物质的重要来源。

    As a good and eximious crops resource , black cereal and oil crops are important source for the development of natural antioxidants due to rich nature anthocyanins in seed coats of black cereal and oil crops and have good pigmentation and physiologic function in antioxidation .

  19. 研究表明:蔬菜生产耗水量不及农区的粮食生产,同本区域的粮油作物耗水量相比,蔬菜生产同样表现出明显的节水优势。

    The result showed : the water consumption of vegetable production in the agro-pastoral ecotone of North China was less than that of grain crops production in farming area . And vegetable production also took on water saving advantage compared with the traditional crops in the area .

  20. 山东省粮油作物生产战略应稳定规模优势,扩大产量优势,强化农产品质量,协调好粮油作物生产与发挥区域农业比较优势的关系。

    The strategy for grain and oil production in Shandong Province should stabilize its superiorities in scale , expend its superiorities in yield , strengthen the quality of agriculture products and coordinate the relations between grain and oil crops production and displaying the comparative superiorities in regional agriculture .

  21. 大豆是我国当前供求矛盾最为突出的粮油兼用作物,是人们生活中重要的植物蛋白质来源。

    Soybean is the contradiction between supply and demand of Chinas most prominent use of grain and oil crops , is the important people living plant protein sources .

  22. 大豆是我国重要的粮油兼用作物,又是重要的固氮作物,是蛋白、饲料和食用油的主要来源。

    Soybean is not only grain and oil crop but also the important nitrogen fixation crop in China . It ' salso the main source of protein , feed and edible oil .

  23. 青海粮油及园艺作物主要病虫害发生现状与治理对策

    Present Situation and Management Countermeasure of Pests on Agriculture in Qinghai Province