
  • 网络precision filter;Air Filter;FQ-X
  1. 输液时使用精密过滤器;

    Precise filter was used during fluid infusion for patients .

  2. 清洗系统主要有清洗水箱、清洗水泵、精密过滤器组成。

    There are clean the water tank cleaning system , cleaning pumps , precision filter components .

  3. 滤液再生采用精密过滤器,环保节能。

    Precision filtering device is adopted for filtrate recycling , ensuring environment protection .

  4. 介绍了江苏省内精密过滤器的使用情况,对比了不预涂和预涂过滤器的特点。

    The applications of precision filter in Jiangsu Province were introduced . The characteristics of filter between no precoat and precoat were compared .

  5. 干燥机空气入口前须装置精密过滤器,以过滤空压机和连接管产生的油杂质和铁锈。

    The inlet and outlet pipes shall be connected with new pipes and the dirt inside the pipe shall be washed when connecting old pipes .

  6. 预处理系统一般包括原水泵、加药装置、石英砂过滤器、活性炭过滤器、精密过滤器等。

    Pretreatment system generally includes the original pumps , dosing devices , quartz sand filter , activated carbon filter , precision filter and so on .

  7. 介绍双氧水生产中空气质量不合格对产品质量、消耗的影响及安装使用超精密过滤器后过滤器的简易清洗。

    The effects of air quality on the production , quality and consumption of oxydol were discussed , and cleaning methods of air cleaner were also introduced .

  8. 我们的专利申请技术是利用这一原则随着精密过滤器和启发式方法判断当用户已经采取了一口食物或饮料的液体。

    Our patent pending technology uses this principle along with sophisticated filters and heuristics to determine when the user has taken a bite of food or drink of liquid .

  9. 研究后确定使用机械过滤器、活性炭过滤器、精密过滤器为纯化水系统的预处理设备,去除水中的较大颗粒的悬浮物和细菌;

    Firstly , well water passed the mechanical filter , active charcoaled filter , and precision filter as the pre-treatment equipment , bigger floating particals and bacteria can be removed .

  10. 精密过滤器也称滤芯过滤器,能进一步去除水中县浮颗粒及其它杂质,它采用微孔陶瓷、微孔无毒塑料、蜂房式管状滤芯。

    Precision filter , namely core filter , can further remove the suspended solids and other impurity in the water , it is made of micro hole chinaware micro hole non-toxin plastic , cell pipe core .

  11. 一种新型精密板式过滤器

    A New Type of Precise Plate-type Filter

  12. 精密药液过滤器的流速、流量符合临床要求,截留率为91.01-99.97%,未见其有吸附作用。结论:精密药液过滤器口可截留注射剂中的有害微粒。

    For a precise filter , the flow quantity conformed to the clinical requirement with a scavenging rate of ( 91.01-99.97 ) % , no filter adsorption was observed Conclusion : Particulates can be removed from intravenous injections by filtration with a precise filter .