
  • 网络worsted;worsted fabric
  1. 薄型精纺毛织物悬垂性与结构参数的关系

    Relationship between drape behavior and structural parameters of light-weight worsted fabrics

  2. 精纺毛织物的孔隙与结构及透气性的关系

    Study on the relationships between the structures , permeability and the pores of worsted fabrics

  3. 用BP神经网络预测精纺毛织物后整理质量

    Quality prediction and processing control of the worsted finishing based on BP neural network

  4. 中厚型PET纺粘非织造布的工艺探讨精纺毛织物抗起毛起球整理工艺研究

    Research on Production Process of Middle-weight PET Spunbonded Nonwovens Study on anti-pilling finishing of worsted fabric

  5. 利用因子分析的方法,对25块精纺毛织物的KES-FB测试结果进行了分析并对简化织物风格测试指标的结构体系进行了探讨。

    By using the factor analysis method , this paper analyses and discusses the KES-FB test adults of 25 pieces of worsted fabrics , which can simplify the index system .

  6. 精纺毛织物在织造染整过程中的结构变化

    Changes of Worsted Fabric Structures from Loom State to Finishing Fabric

  7. 轻薄型精纺毛织物的结构参数对其服用性能的影响

    Influence of structure parameters of lightweight worsted fabric on wearing characteristics

  8. 精纺毛织物染整专家系统初探

    Study on the worsted wool fabric dyeing and finishing expert system

  9. 精纺毛织物后整理过程评价与质量预测

    Quality forecast and evaluation of the finishing process in worsted fabric

  10. 轻薄型精纺毛织物与衬料的互配性研究

    Study on the Compatibility of Light Worsted Fabric with Fusible Interlining

  11. 化学定形剂对精纺毛织物永久定形的影响

    Influence of setting agents on permanent setting of worsted fabric

  12. 精纺毛织物抗起毛起球整理工艺研究

    Wool-mohair-silk mixed fabric Study on anti-pilling finishing of worsted fabric

  13. 提高精纺毛织物折皱回复性能的研讨

    Discussion about Raising Crease Recovery Ability of Worsted Fabric

  14. 精纺毛织物起毛起球的分析

    Analysis on lousiness and pilling of worsted wool fabrics

  15. 精纺毛织物的结构区域和设计方法

    The structural regions and design method of worsted fabrics

  16. 精纺毛织物三维印花工艺的研究

    Study on three dimension printing process of worsted fabrics

  17. 水溶性维纶伴纺精纺毛织物开发中的关键技术探讨

    Key technology of worsted cloth spun with water-solubility Vinylon

  18. 精纺毛织物可机洗整理工艺现代免烫整理的机可洗羊毛

    Technology of machine washable finishing for worsted fabric Achieving Washable Wool with Easy-Care

  19. 蒸呢定型对精纺毛织物尺寸稳定性的影响

    Influence of blowing and decating on dimensional stability of worsted suiting wool fabrics

  20. 精纺毛织物弹性整理技术的应用研究

    Study on practice of elastic treating of worsted fabric

  21. 精纺毛织物环孔法风格测试的灰色相关分析

    Grey interrelation analysis of worsted fabric hand testing

  22. 紧密纺毛纱在精纺毛织物中的应用

    Application of compact spinning to worsted wool fabric

  23. 硝酸钙对精纺毛织物进行抗皱整理的工艺探讨

    Discussion on crease-resist finish technology of Ca ( NO_3 ) _2 to worsted cloth

  24. 精纺毛织物天然弹性整理工艺

    Natural Elastic Finishing Process of Worsted Cloth

  25. 图4概略表示出粗纺和精纺毛织物生产的工艺流程。

    Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing .

  26. 羊毛纤维加工成两种织物类型,粗纺毛织物和精纺毛织物。

    Wool fibers are processed into two fabric types : woolen fabrics and worsted fabrics .

  27. 精纺毛织物在干湿态下的起球性能分析

    Analysis of Fuzzing and Pilling Property of Worsted Fabric Under the Condition of Wet and Dry

  28. 纳米技术在精纺毛织物上的应用

    Application of nanotechnology on the worsted

  29. 精纺毛织物的形态记忆整理

    Shape-memory treatment of worsted fabric

  30. 精纺毛织物后整理中的落水变形控制

    Study on the worsted fabrics made from high count yarn Control of humidity change on the worsted fabrics by finishing